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The doctor came in and checked every hour to see if it was time for Bethany to have the baby. She was only eight centimeters dilated, and her pain had gotten worse by the hour her hormones got worse to the point she was either pissed off at me or extremely upset because of the pain.

That's when I decided to detract her from the pain. " So what are you going to name the baby?" I asked curious and sat on the edge of the bed facing her. " I chose not to know what I was having so I don't know, I thought about for a girl to name her Lillian and calling her Lilly for short and for a boy Xavier, unless you have a better name?"

She stated and then a huge pain hit and she tried so hard not to cry, " I love the names actually, Are you sure you don't need an epidural?" I asked her and wiped her tears away, she just breathed through the pain, " N-No, just a couple more hours." She said and I held her hand.

" Fine, your choice." I said understanding her decision. Two hours went by and the doctor came back, and checked her again. " It's Baby Time... I'm gonna go get the nurse and we will get to meet your baby." She said as she walked out to get a nurse.

" I-I can't do this, I-I'm too afraid...." She panicked and I could feel her hand shaking, " Look at me, your not alone, I'm right here, I'm not leaving your side, your gonna be able to do this and by the time your done, you will get to meet your baby." I said and she looked at me, " Our baby.... It's yours too..." I heard her softly say calming down a little.

I smiled a little at her saying Our Baby. Once the doctor walked in with the nurse, she pushed for about ten minutes, which my hand felt like it no longer existed anymore. " I-I can't, do this anymore..." she panted as she leaned back, I could tell she was ready for this to be over with.

" Your baby is almost here, just one more push and you will be done Bethany." We heard the doctor say, and that's when she leaned forward pushed with all her might, and all you could hear was her screaming as she squeezed my hand for dear life.

That's until we heard a baby crying, " Congratulations, it's a Girl!" We heard the doctor say, and she showed us, that's when Bethany leaned back, " Do you want to cut the cord Dad?" The doctor asked and I looked at Bethany, and she nodded for me to do it. " Y-Yes..." I said slightly excited that I have a daughter. She guided me where to cut it and then they took her to get shots and check her weight and height.

" What's her name mom?" they asked and that's when Bethany started seizing. " Bethany..." I said as they pushed me aside, " What's wrong with her!" I panicked and then the doctor demanded the nurse to get me out of the room.... " Is she going to be alright..." I said as I tried to get past her and she guarded the door. " I can't answer that sir." She said knowing I was afraid. I stepped back and leaned against the wall and ran my fingers through my hair and tried to calm down.

That's when the nurse went back inside the room.  After seven minutes the doctor came out and looked at me and I stood up quickly. " I-Is she alright?" I asked and she just looked down and then back at me, " No, Please No...." I said slowly and heartbroken. " I'm so sorry Sir, I tried everything I could, her seizures were just too much after having a baby, it happens sometimes." I heard her inform me and I just wanted to break down.

" Follow me son..." I heard the doctor say and I followed her to the nursery, " See that little baby girl without a name to her little bed?" She said pointing to my daughter, and I looked at her, and shook my head. " That's Your Daughter, she's alone, just like you are right now, she lost her mother, someone that didn't even get to hold her or name her and she needs you more than anything right now..." she tried to tell me and I didn't know what to do...

" Lillian Beth Harrington...." I softly mumbled and the doctor turned to look at me, " What?" She asked slightly confused, " Lillian Beth Harrington, t-that's her name..." I said clearly and she smiled, " It's perfect.... So I guess you will keep her?" She said trying to make sure she understood.

" Do I have a choice?" I asked and she looked at Lillian, " You can keep her and raise her, or you can give her up for adoption and she will be put into the system and hopefully someone will want to have her." She stated my opinions and I thought about it.

" There's no guaranteed she will have a home!" I said and it stressed me out even more knowing that she could be in the system until she's eighteen years old, and then possibly being homeless. " You have twenty four hours to think about it, just let me know. " I heard her say and then she walked away.

The nurse from earlier saw me and came over to me, " Would you like to hold her?" She asked as I just starred at Lillian, " Yes Please...." I said trying so hard to not break. That's when She went to go get her and took me to a room that nobody was in. I sat on the side on the end of the bed, and she gently placed Lillian in my arms.

" Make sure you cradle her head, babies don't have good neck support." She smiled slightly and I shook my head, " yes ma'am..." I said as I looked at this baby girl in my arms. " If you need anything call the nurse call button and ask for Nurse Kelly...." She informed me, then walked out of the room.

" Hi Sweetheart, today is not supposed to be like this, but I'm your dad. I'm sorry you don't get to be with mommy, but I-I'm here.... I think... " I said not so sure if I could actually raise a baby on my own.

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