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I stayed for what felt like forever, until I went home, I walked in the house and I shut the door. That's when it finally hit me, I slid down the door and leaned my head back, and just bursted into tears. I brought my knees up to my chest and cried.

I felt like I couldn't breathe I was crying so much. That's when the phone in the living room rang. I got up, and went to it and picked it up. " H-Hello..." I mumbled as I sniffled. That's when I heard a familiar voice. " Hey buddy, what's wrong...." Dustin said concerned and I just brushed it off.

" Long day man, what do you need?" I asked curious about what he needed, " My mom is going to see her sister tonight and I was wondering if I could stay with you for the night. " he said and I thought about today, " I guess but could you find a ride, I don't feel like driving right now man."

I informed him and he took a minute to respond, " Yeah, I'll be there soon!" He said then hung up. After about an hour I heard the doorbell. I went to the door and it was Dustin and Robin. " You don't have a drivers license, how did you drive here?" I said looking at Robin, and Dustin walked past me and into the house. " I got my permit today." She stated and I nodded my head.

" You have to drive with an adult though, and last time I checked Henderson is not an adult." I said and she smiled a little, " He is wise for his age though." She laughed a little and Dustin smiled at me. " Yeah..... No, your staying here!" I demanded and she got a little offended by that.

" No I'm going Steve, if you like it or not I'm getting in my car and driving back home!" She informed me, and I couldn't take it anymore. " Damn It Robin, No, Alright, If You Get Seriously Hurt Or Die I Won't Forgive Myself, I Can't Lose Another Person Today, Now Get In This House And Call Your Parents And Tell Them Your Staying At A Friends House!" I shouted which shocked Dustin and Robin.

" A-Alright, Steve what happened Today?" She said as she walked in and shut the door behind her. " N-Nothing." I said knowing I didn't want Dustin to know yet, " Steve Outside Now, Dustin You Stay Here!" I heard her demand and I went outside while she called her parents then met me out by the pool.

" Alright Steve, Talk To Me?" She said hoping I would confess something. " B-Bethany had Our Baby and then she seized and d-died before she could even hold her." I said trying so hard to hold it together, and Robin looked at me, " Wait Our, that's your baby?" She asked and shook my head yes.

" I'm so sorry Steve, wait a her, a daughter?" She said concerned and then a little happy knowing what the baby was. " Yes, Lillian Beth Harrington.... She's so small and she's got my brown eyes and Bethany's dimples. " I said describing her a little, " Are you going to keep her?" She asked and I sighed and ran my hands through my hair, " I don't know, I can't raise a baby on my own...." I said and that's when Henderson spoke.

" Who said you were alone, you got your friends to help you!" He said and me and Robin stood up and turned towards him, " I told you to stay in the house!" Robin got annoyed with him and I looked at him, " I know, but I'm a little nosey, and I can't believe your a dad, congratulations man, and I'm sorry about the mother." He said and I smiled a little, " Thank Henderson!" I said and he smiled at me.

" Keep your daughter Steve, I mean your a good babysitter to me and my friends, you would be a good father to her. Trust me!" He said and Him saying that kind of made me happy, " See I told you he was wise for his age." Robin said and I gave her a stern look, " Your still not leaving..." I said to her and she rolled her eye, " yeah yeah I know...." She said and walked in the house with me and Dustin.

" So does that mean you're going to act like a dad to us now?" Robin asked and I raised my eyebrow at her, " No..." that's when it hit me on what she was trying to do. " Give me your keys!" I said putting my hand out for the car keys she had.

" Dad Move!" Dustin informed and snapped at me, " You really don't trust me do you Stevie?" She said and laughed a little and I smiled as she gave me the keys. " Not one bit Robin...." I said as I put them on top of the fridge in the kitchen.

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