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Robin went home, so I held Lilly as I fed her a bottle, and went straight to the kitchen. I placed her in the car seat as she fussed at me, " we are not going anywhere, I just need a free hand to do something." I tried to tell her, but she got mad, until I dialed my mother's number, and put the phone to my ear, as I went over to Lilly and placed the bottle back in her mouth, which made her look at me with her big brown eyes.

" Hello, this is Diana Harrington, to who am I speaking too?" She sounded so professionally, and I hesitated a bit. " It's me mom, it's Steve...." I spoke with pure fear in my voice. " Sweetheart, what do you need?" She asked so kindly, and I could feel a lump in my throat.

" Can dad hear me?" I asked as I could feel me shaking at my feet underneath me. " Yes Son, I'm right here, is something wrong, are you in jail?" He asked, slightly angry when he thought I was in jail. " No, I'm safe, I'm at home actually.... I need to tell you both something?" They could hear the shaking of my voice. " Alright Son go on...." I heard my father say.

" this kind of took me by surprise and unexpected, however I have a daughter, her name is Lillian Beth Harrington, she is two days old, yes she's a one night stand baby, but her mom Bethany, died having her. Um, I uh, I'm going to raise her,on my own, I just need you to know that you have a granddaughter now." I said as my voice started to crack.

" Get Out Of My House, You Are Not My Son You Are A Failure And A Disgrace To The Harrington Name, My Son Would Of Known Better Than To Have A Child At Nineteen, If You Are Not Out Of My House By Friday I Will Get Jim Hopper To Arrest You, For Trespassing!" He shouted and demanded out of anger, as I could hear my mother telling my father "No" and "He's Not A Failure" I heard my dad storm away from the phone, as I heard my mother on the other side.

" Sweetheart, Don't listen to him, Please send me a picture of her, I would love to see my granddaughter... You've got this, I promise...." I heard her try to comfort me, and I just felt like breaking down to my mother. " I-I will leave, h-he is right, I should of known better....bye mom...." I said before I hung up the phone.

I slammed the phone down in frustration and upset, which made Lilly spooked, " I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to scare you..." I tried to apologize as I went over to her still holding the bottle as she ate, I felt like breaking down, but tried to hold it together.

" You Still Love Me Right? Even if I'm a failure..." I said as I sniffled, and touched her hand, and she slightly smiled. I rocked her car seat back and forth slowly as she fed.

She got done eating, and I burped her and changed her wet diaper, then I rocked her back and forth in my arms until she fell asleep with a pacifier in her mouth. After a while she drifted to sleep. I laid her on the pallet on the floor and I sat on the floor with my back against the couch, and I pulled my knees up to my chest and I just couldn't take it. I couldn't hold in the tears, I broke, I started crying.

I felt so terrible, I've always tried to live up to my father's expectations, but always fail to meet them. I'm never good enough in his eyes, and now I've crossed the line. I heard the doorbell, but I decided not to even answer, after a couple of minutes I heard the door open. I didn't care who it was, I just knew I couldn't stop crying, I then felt someone beside me, and pull me into an embrace hug. " It's alright, it's gonna be ok...." I heard her voice say as she rubbed my back in circler motion.

" N-Nancy..... " I spoke, as I pulled away to look at her, " Yeah, It's Me....." I felt her fingers go through my hair. " I-I called m-my parents and told t-them everything, my F-Father wants me gone, he said I'm a d-disgrace to the H-Harrington name, I'm not h-his son and I s-should know better, he wants m-me out of his house b-by Friday or he will get H-Hopper to arrest m-me for trespassing..... I C-Can't Breath." I tried to say, between sobbing and having a panic attack, but I was too broken.

" Hey, Shhh, listen to me, Hopper is not going to arrest you, You are not a failure, yeah you should of known better but people make mistakes and we grow from them, plus Lillian is here now, you can't undo that, You're not a disgrace to your family name, your dad is...." I heard her softy speak as I looked at her, I just laid down, and laid my head on her lap as she played with my hair. As she tried to make me focus on breathing.

" Nancy why are you here?" I asked as she played with my hair, " I had a feeling in my heart that something was wrong, and I felt like I needed to come help. Plus my date was over." I heard her say, " How was it?" I asked slowly calming down.

" Long, Slow, Boring, I mean I love museum's I just didn't feel like looking at art today...." I heard her say, " I'm sorry I kissed you earlier this morning.... I don't know what came over me, I won't do it anymore..." I apologized and she sighed, " Steve...." I heard her say and I hummed as a response.

" I kissed Johnathan today, and I felt nothing, like no chemistry, no spark, no Love, No Lust, No Emotion struck my body. I kissed You, and I felt it all, every little touch, emotion, everything.... I haven't felt that with Johnathan for months now, and it scares me that maybe I lost feelings." I looked at her and I could see her hurt about Johnathan.

" Nancy if your not happy, just say it, don't hide it, because that's what broke us up." I informed her and I sat up and sat beside her. " I'm not Happy...." She blurted out, and turned her head towards me. " I wish I could make you happy...." I softly spoke and she didn't take one thought, as she grabbed my face and kissed me. I kissed back, until I pulled away resting our forehead against each other.

" I just said said I wouldn't kiss you again, and your making that really difficult Nance..." I stated and she smiled at me. " You make me happy.... We were young when I said those things to you, and I'm sorry, It was before we knew everything we know now, before I realized what killed Barb, we didn't kill Barb, that thing did... I got stressed and overwhelmed with her death I blamed it on you on us, I was stupid and wrong for that. I do love you, I just didn't love the Old You, the one that turned into something his parents wanted him to become...." She informed me, as I put my thumb on her cheek and tilted her head up.

" Hey, I mean yeah it hurt to hear the one, you poured your heart and soul, say what you said to me that year, but people forgive and forget and I have done that, I mean it made me a better man for it. I've always thought highly of you and loved you, and I think I would love you until I take my last breath. But I can't be lead on again Nance, I have a daughter that depends on me to always be the one that's there and if I'm broken down, I don't think I'll ever recover from that, so if we do this, don't lead me on." I said and then I slowly kissed her.

She slowly got on my lap, without breaking the kiss, I placed my hands on her waist, as she wrapped her arms around my neck, " We can't do this..." she said as I looked at her lips, " w-why not..." I questioned trying to catch my breath. " Oh I don't know, maybe because we can't go have our fun and leave Lilly alone." She informed me, as I looked over at Lilly.

" She's still asleep, she's fine..." I said and she gave me a stern look, " I'm gonna pretend I didn't just hear you say that." She said so stunned and hit my chest and I smiled, " I was joking..." I laughed a little, as I kissed her again, " Max or Robin said they could watch her if I ever needed them too, then we could get a hotel and continue this...." I suggested as I pushed a strain of hair behind her left ear.

" We really shouldn't...." She said as she looked at me, as I kissed her neck, which made her smile, " Steve I'm serious...." she said, and I sucked on her neck giving her a huge hickey without thinking.

I realized what I had done when I got her to moan as she gripped my shoulders. " S-Steve...." She moaned, and I pulled away smiling, " Shit, I wasn't thinking, I just got caught in the moment and I-" I said looking at her hickey, then at her. " I'll try to hide this from Johnathan...." she said as she got up and looked in the mirror. I leaned my head back against the couch, and stared at her. " Good Idea...." I agreed with her.

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