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Time Jump..... { 3 years Later}

I was dressed up head to toe, to a solid ten, for my date with Nancy tonight, I lathered cologne all over until that's all you could smell in my room. I headed downstairs to Lucas being the only one on the couch. " Where's Max?" I asked not seeing her or Lilly anywhere in the living room or kitchen.

" Lilly said she was gonna throw up and Max rushed her to the bathroom. I asked if she needed help and she told me no." I heard him say as I heard Max calling my name. So I headed toward the bathroom. " I tried to be quick but she threw up all over her shirt, I don't know where the thermometer is at but she feels like she's burning up by the touch of my hand. " she said slipping Lilly's shirt off so she wasn't covered in throw up as Lilly was balling her eyes out.

" I'll get the thermometer while you run a bath for her, because it's in her hair I can see. " I informed her as she tried to calm Lilly down. I went to the medicine closet in the hall downstairs and found the thermometer, then went back to the bathroom, " Can you put this under your tongue for me?" I asked Lilly as she did as I said and I waited, I touched her arms and chest and back which I could feel the heat from my touch.

Once it was done I looked at it. " one hundred one point four... she feels like she's burning up to me... Uh get her in the tub and I'll figure something out, Sweetheart do you have a tummy ache, or a headache?" I questioned concerned and she pointed to her left side. " Your head doesn't hurt?" She shook her head as I nodded my head, " I'll go find some ibuprofen."

I went to go find some pain relief medication while Max put her in the bath. " Do you need help?" Lucas asked as I scrambled throughout the medicine closet. " Uh, yeah, could you go look and see if the children's ibuprofen is in the upstairs bathroom cabinet, Lilly's got a high fever?" I asked and he nodded his head, " Yeah..." he said before sprinting upstairs.

" I found it!" He said rushing down the stairs, handing it to me, " thanks man..." I said as I went to the bathroom. I made her take the tablet and gave her water. " I'm gonna call Nance and cancel..." I started to say until Max chimed in, " No your not, she's fine, me and Lucas will keep an eye on her, you go enjoy your date, I'll call you if her fever spikes..." she demanded and I was hesitant.

" if it goes up to a hundred and two... call me, and if it's a really bad emergency ca-" I was saying until she interrupted me, " Call nine one one, I'm not stupid Steve, Go, Lilly tell your dad bye..." she said and Lilly told me bye. " Alright, fine, bye..." I said as I walked out of the bathroom, " I'm leaving, no parties, no destroying the house, no sex Lucas..." I demanded and Lucas's jaw dropped.

" Woah, slow your roll man, none of that is happening tonight, especially the last one... not while babysitting!" He said offensive and I put my jacket on, " I'm serious, I was a high schooler once, I know what goes through a teen athlete's mind, Don't, especially if you don't want a child..." I said gesturing toward the bathroom and he waved and pushed me toward the door. " Just go man, no funny business here tonight, and that goes for you too, no sex with Nancy , we don't need you having two kids..." he said slightly rude and I smiled and laughed.

" No promises..." I teased and he shook his head, " I'm so done with you man!" he said laughing and I walked to my car. Halfway through our date Nancy could tell something was wrong, as she grabbed my hand, " Steve, are you still worried about Lilly?" She asked concerned and I shook my head I felt like anxiety was taking over my mind, " N-No, it's fine, just me and you tonight, Max would call if something was wrong..." that's when our waiter came over to us.

" Someone is on the line for you?" I heard him say as I stood up to follow him. I grabbed the phone, " Steve, it's Lucas, you need to come home, her fever spiked and she's throwing up... I'm not sure if I need to wait for you or call an ambulance." I heard him panic and I glanced over to Nancy, who could tell we needed to leave.

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