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Steve's P.O.V

Robin showed up to check on Lilly, she stayed while I walked my mom out to her car, " Mom, you need to leave Dad!" She glanced over at me furious, " I already told you!" She said above a whisper as I leaned against the car, " He hurts you, he doesn't love you at all, and to top it all off, I was a mistake that shouldn't of happened to the both of you..." I confessed as she looked at me with sadness.

" Stevie, you were never a mistake, you are a true blessing..." she tried to convince me as I shook my head, " Dad raped you at sixteen years old, then you were forced into marriage because you were pregnant with me. It's ok to leave him, nobody is forcing you to stay, and I'm not little anymore mom, I'm fine with you leaving dad... " I said as she tried to hold her tears back.

" I can't, you don't understand..." she said making sure nobody was around, " Then Explain Mom!" I said with anger boiling in my body. " I wish I could sweetheart, I do, but I can't..." she said and I couldn't believe what I was hearing in front of me.

" Then you can't ever see your granddaughter!" I stated and she looked heartbroken, it hurt me to say that to my mother, but I couldn't let her see her if my dad was around, I never trusted him. " Alright I understand, I'm sorry..." she said as I watched her get into her car as I stepped back and watched her pull away from that parking lot. I walked away. I was furious with everything with her, with dad, with everything.

" Are you ok?" I saw Eddie smoking a cigarette and I sighed " I don't know, my dad's is a abusive drunk and sex addict, and my mom is covering up his lies and won't leave him." I vented to him and he glanced at me wide-eyed as I sat beside him.

" Fuck Man I'm sorry to hear that!" He said genuinely sorry for me." I didn't mean to tell you everything, just forget it..." I said running my fingers through my hair." It's fine, you seem like you needed to let all of that out" he said as I listened to him, watching him hold the cigarette in his mouth, while he inhaled, then blowing it out slowly into the cold air.

" You want one?" He asked offering one to me and I shook my head ' No' , "Why are you here Ed?" I said slightly heartbroken, as he looked at me. " Dustin told me Lilly was here and I thought I would come check on the both of you!" He said as he blew out a puff of smoke.

I was stunned a little looking at him, " um well thank you..." I said and he smiled, " no problem man..." he said and I thought about it.

" Yet here I thought you didn't care about anything?" I asked and he chuckled, " I have a soft spot for some people in this world... " he winked at me and I felt flattered in a way as my cheeks started heating up blushing mad hard at this metal head boy beside me as I glanced at his rings that sat on his fingers. " You falling hard Stevie..." he questioned and I shook my head 'No' , " It's alright if you do, I'm flattered?"

He stated and I sighed, " I'm not Gay Eddie, I'm straight as a board and with Nancy Wheeler!" I blurted out as I glanced over at him, " Alright Man, I'm just playing with you, but I'm still flattered if you are, nothing wrong with that, let's go see little Harrington?" He stated as he put his cigarette out and threw it on the ground and stomped on it.

Yeah!" I said as we got up and walked into the hospital. I tried to shake off the feeling we had outside on the bench, but it kept creeping throughout my mind, especially when I would catch myself staring at his rings or his tattoos.

We walked into the room as Lilly was talking to Robin, " I still think we need to off Dustin!" Robin said and Lilly looked at her.

" No, I love Uncle Dusty!" She defended Dustin and I smiled, " Why are we offing Dustin this time?" I asked and Robin sighed, " He said that I need a life and I told him just because he's with Susie doesn't mean he needs to fix mine... Hey Eddie?" she said and I looked at Eddie, then Robin and Lilly.

" Hey Robin, Hey Little Harrington... Dustin told me that the other day when I saw him, I told him to bug off, well I said another word but you get the point" he said laughing and I shook my head as Robin got off the bed.

" I'll see you later Lilly!" I heard Robin say as she placed a kiss on Lilly's head, Robin pulled me outside the room, " What?" I asked confused as she looked at me, " If you are in love with Eddie Munson, I love you either way?" She stated and I felt my face get heated like I was blushing a tiny bit.

" I'm with Nancy, you know this Robin, I'm not gay!" I whispered hoping she didn't see how red my cheeks had gotten from the thought of Eddie, and she smiled, " well then stop blushing when I said his name!" She informed me and I rolled my eyes, " Bye Robin, get home safe." I said as I walked back into the room.

" Well maybe when you get out of this place, I can come over and you can show me the movie." I heard Eddie say as I walked in, he was even good with my daughter, Fuck, this man knew what he was doing to me.

" W-What movie?" I asked and she smiled at me, " Ghostbusters!" He said as he chuckled, " Who let you watch Ghostbusters because it wasn't me?" I asked crossing my arms, and she giggled, " uncle Dusty and uncle Lucas!" She ratted them out quickly.

I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms, " You can watch it if you don't get nightmares!" Eddie glanced over at her as she nodded her head, " Alright!" She said so cheerful.

" Who's your favorite Uncle?" He asked her curious and she looked at Eddie, " Mike!" So perky and I was shocked by that answer, " Why?" I asked as I walked to the end of the bed, and she smiled, " He gives the best hugs and he loves playing outside with me when we draw with chalk!" She said and I smiled softly. " Well that's a good reason to me!" He said defending her answer.

He stayed for a while until Lillian fell asleep, " Are you ok?" He asked and I ran my hands through my hair, " Yeah, just wish we were home or somewhat of home, my parents kicked us out and we are going to be living in Hopper's old trailer, until I can get my own place. Just all too stressful..." I said as he looked at Lilly asleep beside him and then stood up and went to sit beside me.

" It will be better soon man, don't worry... plus I don't live far from there, so maybe I can come around" he said as he patted my back as I felt safe with Eddie, here with him felt like a good feeling for once, but I couldn't let my walls down. I didn't know if he was joking earlier, I mean I already knew my parents were against homosexuals, so I thought I never had a chance to express myself.

Yet they didn't like me right now anyways so it didn't matter what they thought anyways, but how would I break it to Nancy? I also felt awful to be taking another Mother figure away from Lillian!

" I better get going, and let you get some sleep!" He said as I smiled, " Thanks for coming and checking on us Eddie, it means a lot to us!" I said as he sighed, " No problem, just glad to see she's getting better, I'll turn the light off for you, Goodnight Stevie!" He said as he flipped the light switch " Goodnight Eddie!" I said as I watched him leave out of the door as I laid down on the pull out couch.

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