Chapter 1: The end or is it.

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A/N: Hello, thank you so much for deciding to check this out. It's my first time publishing any kind of work anywhere so be gentle with your critics :D.  Btw english isn't my first language so if i get anything wrong please correct me.

Now without further ado, hope you have fun.


The bus was crowded with people, all sweating from the hot weather of the middle of june. The (h/c) haired girl found herself standing between two sweating guys, and she never wished to arrive at her bus stop faster in her whole life. 

Her earphones were on blasting at full volume to barely cover the chatter of the girls beside her, who have been talking non stop since she got in the bus.

Looking up from staring at her shoes, she found that she was still miles away from her stop. 

(y/n) let out a sigh from her nose and leaned her head on her hand that was up holding the bar, she thought of the reason she was being tortured like this in the first place- exams-, making her almost groan at loud.

As a way to escape reality for a bit, (y/n) decided to daydream, her mind wandered to the fanfic- of an anime she watched recently and developed crushes on a couple of it's characters- she was reading yesterday instead of revising for her exams, she thought of where she left it and started daydreaming of what would happen.

Meanwhile, a middle aged lady started to get uncomfortable as a teen girl infront of her just stared at her with a poker face. She would look away and look back just to find her still staring at her and it was seriously creeping the lady.

Fortunately for the lady, the bus made a sudden turn which sent everyone standing scrambling to get hold of something. Unfortunately for the girl, she was rudely snapped out of her daydreaming, and she was cursing colorfully at the driver for that.

Looking up to see the reason for the sudden turn, she and many other passengers felt chills going down their spines.

Outside a car was crushed against a truck. But that wasn't the reason for the creepiness that was felt by everyone in the bus, no, it was the body of a man from what they could tell from a distance, with his head crushed under the wheels of another truck. 

Blood was splattered around and some people could've sworn that they saw chunks of the insides of a head spilled around.

All in all it wasn't a pretty sight. And it will for sure hunt the thoughts of a lot of people, the (h/c) haired girl included.

Well that's one way to start a day, thought the girl, the image photographed in her head. She started having a bad feeling but decided to ignore it, blaming it on the accident they passed by already.

Her stomach was churning, and this time not because of her motion sickness.

It made her head hurt, and she took off her earphones hoping it'll pass soon and that she'll get to her bus stop faster.


Leaving the bus, she stood and took a deep breath and stretched her arms wide, not caring about anyone.

She turned, fixing her glasses on her face and started walking towards the university gates, passing by the guy who sells books on the ground. 

(y/n) slowed down searching to see if there were any interesting books, which she found a couple but she was broke, so she turned away mentally saying a dramatic goodbye to the books she will most likely never have, at least until she had enough money to buy them.

Goodbye my lovelies I will have you soon I promise.

She barely finished her thought when she suddenly felt pain. Intense pain. Pain she had never felt in her whole life, all over her body. Like she got hit by a truck.

Managing to pry her eyes open, she found herself on the ground. 

By now the pain was gone, and all she could feel was numbness, all over her body. She couldn't move a muscle, but she could move her eyes, so she looked around and what she could understand, from what her mind could gather in it's current state, was that she was hit by a truck, which threw her a couple meters away.

There was nothing at first she just looked on blankly while people started to crowd her to see if she was okay.

But then she started to feel it. 

At first it was panic and then that dreadful feeling that makes your stomach turn into knots. 

That feeling that makes your throat clog in on itself, making it hard to swallow. 

That fucking feeling that clunch your chest and make your hands trumble, that turn you legs into jelly making it hard to stand.

Yes. She was afraid.

Her eyes started prickling from tears.

I don't wanna die.

That was the only thing going through her brain. Over and over and over. 

She didn't wanna die, she still wanted to do a lot of things, she wanted to leave her presence in this world, she wanted to be one of the best of what she's studying of her generation and leave her name in history books. Just like all the big names before her.

She wanted to help her country. Help people. Help her friends. Help her family. 

Help herself.

She have big dreams.

And so, with that thought on her mind, she started trying to do something as she laid in a pool of her own blood. 

She tried to move to stand up, but she couldn't twitch a muscle. 

Say something but only whimpers come out, barely able to move her mouth.

 She wanted to do something, anything besides laying in the pool of her own blood. But only tears that seemed to come out easily.

Honestly, she felt pathetic, and the crowd proding her and taking pictures and videos didn't make it better. She just wished they'll leave her alone.

Please, she thought, leave, just go.

She never liked being center of attention or being in crowded places, which is exactly where she found herself in now, making her death even worse than it is.

She started hearing the ambulance siren with her underwater hearing.

But as she felt coldness spreading all over her body and her vision blackening, she realized with trembling heart that it was too late.

And as (y/n) gave up on the fight against unconsciousness, she debated which was more important, that she didn't like the cold feeling, or that she would die without ever knowing how one piece will end.

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