Chapter 6: Connecting, Training and Land Ho!

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A/N: Thank you so much for reading and thank you @SarynMarimla so much for voting! It really made my day.

Anyway here's a new chapter, enjoy!


It was another nice day in the waters of East blue. The sun was shining brightly. The waters were calm. Seagulls were flying around and singing their song.

It was a few days after (y/n) interrogation in the kitchen, and (y/n) was slowly connecting with all the group members.

She will always somehow end up in Luffy and Usopp's tag, and she always ends up losing. She just doesn't have the stamina of the people in this world, not yet at least.

Seeing this Zoro had scolded her saying she needs to work out. (y/n) jokingly suggested that he trains her and Zoro took it seriously.

Immediately taking it back knowing just how monstrous his training is, he refused. The smirk that was stretching his face promised her pain.

And pain it was. The training sessions always ends up with her feeling sore all over. Muscles burning, legs jelly and barely able to use her arms properly.

Sanji always brings her refreshing drinks, and he started making her more nutritious meals so she could keep up with her training.

(y/n) at first thought that the cook will protest and stop Zoro from training her, and while he did scold the swordsman and tell him to take it easy on her, he didn't stop him.

This behavior made her curious, and so she asked him about it one time after her training session, when he was cooking dinner.

''You know, Sanji, I thought that you would completely refuse Zoro training me'' (y/n) started, leaning on the counter. The blond cook looked at her for a bit before he continued cooking.

''As much I hate to admit it, moss head is right, you need to train and gain more stamina, the life of a pirate is hard, and while I will do my best to protect you and Nami-chan with my life, there might be some moments when I just can't.'' Sanji smiled a bit, ''So just bear with it, (y/n)-chan. While the moss head is a complete idiot, I admit he is strong, and knows about strength building.''

It left (y/n) completely speechless, but she had to agree with him.

She needs to become stronger, for herself so she won't be killed, and for the crew so she won't be a burden to them.

Not knowing how to reply, the (h/c) girl just nodded her head.

She changed the subject and commented about how good the food looks and smells, making his eyes change to heart.

''IT'S ALL DEDICATED TO YOU MY LOVELY!'' He shouted, making her smile. (y/n) got used to his behavior by now.

Her conversation with Sanji made her remember the promise she made on her first day in this world.

So with her motivation renewed she started taking her training with Zoro more seriously, completely stopping her complaints about how hard it is.

It made Zoro impressed and proud- though he'll never admit it-.

Back to the present, (y/n) just finished her training with Zoro, she was all sweating and her breathing still ragged but she was becoming better.

Her muscles didn't hurt as much as before and she could actually stay standing on her feets without vibrating. 

It made her smile knowing she was progressing. Slowly, but progress is still progress.

She went to check on Usopp, to ask how her gloves developpement was going.

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