The New Place

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As my mom and I go to our new house we had ride a taxi so that we can get to our new house. I don't want a new house I just want to have the same live. I tryed telling my mom that and she didn't listen to me. "Lizzy,lizzy" I hear my mom so I say "yes mom" "the driver wants to talk to you" "ok". The driver is a lady, she seems alright but I don't think I will like her so I gave her that look when you think someone has 7 heads. "Hello" she says. I figured that she wouldn't  have talked to me because of my face but oh well. I just say "hi" in a non friendly voice. She asked how old I was so I told her I was 14. She said her grand-daughter that is my age and she went to Worcester high school. That was the same school I was going to. I want the only thinking about that my mom decided to tell her. "My daughter is going to that school" I just ignored their conversation  and thought how when I was a kid I  pretended that I control things with my mind. So i kept thinking and thinking about then....Awww!!something was happening to me red stuff was going through my body and it wasn't blood. I couldn't open my eyes. In my mind it was black, then I see my memories as a little girl and how I played that I could mind control things. My inner self was getting powerful. When I got the chance to open my eyes I see .........

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