Side Episode Part 3: Cafe Mayhem With The Blight Twins

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3rd POV

  (Y/n) groans as she began to regain consciousness. "Ugh, it feels as though someone hit me with a shovel." (Y/n) tries to rub her head, but found out that her movement was restricted. She quickly snapped out of her daze and looks around. (Y/n) realized that she was tied to a chair in some sort of food storage. "Shoot! I knew something was up. Ugh. This is what we just needed after escaping a room filled with snakes with human like faces, also known as Detention! This is just great!"

  "Hmmm, five more minutes mama. Demon Slayer Acidemia is almost over," the familiar grumble of Luz hits (Y/n)'s ears.

  (Y/n) looks over her shoulder to see Luz and the others behind her. "Oh thank gods, guys! Wake up! We're in trouble again!"

  Luz quickly opens her eyes in a panic, "wait what?! When?? Where!!? Why?!?!" Luz took notice of her restraints. "(Y/n), what happened?"

  "I think we just got, got." (Y/n) replies, "guys! Wakey wakey! We need to get out of here!"

  Edric snorts awake, "huh? Wha??" Edric looks beside him and sees Emira, "Em, wake up!"

  Emira yelps, "where are we?"

  "I think we are in some sort of food storage," Willow replies groggily as she and Gus regained consciousness.

  "Today is not our day," Gus groans.

  "You can say that again," (Y/n) sighs as she attempts to loosen her restraints.

  "I'm sorry (Y/n)," Luz apologizes. "We should've gotten out of here sooner."

  "Yeah, we should've listened," Willow looks down as Gus apologizes as well.

  "Guys, it isn't your fault. I was the one that suggested that we go to the Cafe," Emira says disappointingly.

  "Sis, I'm the one who is supposed to be the one apologizing. I wanted to hang out in the first place," Edric argued.

  It was quite before the six friends burst out laughing.

  "Guys, it's no one's fault." (Y/n) smiles at them. "We just wanted to hang out together. We didn't really see this coming before it was too late. Now, we can either sit here apologizing for something that no one is at fault, or we work together and get out of here."

  "Alright fearless leader, what's the plan?" Emira asks the (H/c) haired human.

  (Y/n) looks down in thought before smiling. "I think I got one. Listen closely."


  "The plan worked! You did wonders with the Sleeping Nettles Dottie," Roselle smiles as she ties the last of the patrions in the way back of the kitchen.

  Dottie purrs at the praise.

  "Help! Can anyone hear me?!"

  Dottie growls lowly at the voice.

  "Sounds like one of the unruly teens have awaken," Roselle mutters sourly. "Dottie, could you please check on them?"

  Dottie grumbles before marching towards the food storage. She opens the door to see that (Y/n) was the only one awake.

  "Um, excuse me, but, the restraints around my legs are a bit too tight, can you loosen them up a bit? I'm kinda getting pins and needles. You get it right? Pins and needles are a menace. But I also need to use the bathroom, please?" (Y/n) asks with a sweet smile.

  Dottie growls as she raised a eyebrow. Without seeing much trouble, she began to untie (Y/n).

  When (Y/n) was fully untied, she stretches her arms up in the air. "Thanks a lot, I was starting to feel cramped up in a chair." She lazily puts her hands in her pocket.

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