Chapter 11 Part 2: Sences And Insensitivity

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3rd POV

  In Luz and (Y/n)'s room in the Owl House, where Luz puts down a large corkboard. "Now, let's write down some ideas that we want to see in the story."

  "I can write anything?" King asks as he approaches the corkboard.

  "Yeah! We're brainstorming, every idea is a good idea." Luz hands notecards and a crayon to King.

King writes something down before pinning it to the board. "Mhm! Done!" What King had pinned up was written in caps: 'VIOLENCE.'

  "Aw, is that all you want to see?" Luz coos as King holds up another peice of paper saying: 'BLOOD :).'

  Luz looks at King in concern, "hmm."

  Later, with the corkboard mostly full of notecards.

  Luz pins up three more, reading what's on them as she goes. "Romance! Magic! Heartbreak with shimmer tears. And, the main character is, of course, ahhh, Luzura! I know it's kind of cliché, but what's wrong with cliché?" She pins her character card to the board.

  King pins his, a stick figure drawing of himself, next to it. "Nyeh! And my main character is the King...err...the Ruler of Demons! With this totally original, all-star cast, victory will be ours!"

  Luz pulls out a typewriter and places it onto a desk and sits behind it. "Now for the easy part."


  "Luzura's tears fell on the frozen prince, bringing him back to life." Ehhh it just seems kind of unrealistic." King reads the script and criticized the scene that Luz finished.

  Luz hums, "I see what you're saying. But in your version, Ruler just destroys everything. I think a little romantic tension could help the scene."

King deadpans at Luz, "hey, there's more to life than shipping."

  Luz looks at King, offended by the painful comment. "Don't you dare insult shipping in my presence!"

  "Apprentice! Living room!" Eda calls out as she and (Y/n) entered the house.

  "I'll be back, we'll figure this out, okay writing buddy?" Luz leaves the room.

  King was quite as he looks at the typewriter. "My turn to write!"

  In the living room, where Eda and (Y/n) are looking at the map before closing as Luz entered.

  Luz waves, "hey! What's up, boss lady? And boss girl."

  (Y/n) smirks, clicks her tongue while doing a finger gun at Luz. "You bet I am."

  Listen, I'm popping out for a few days to an undisclosed place to do undisclosed things. I'll be taking (Y/n) with me. You're in charge."

  "Oh, okay." Luz says, but she felt a bit sad that (Y/n) is also going. But, (Y/n) is a strong person. She can do whatever she wants.

  "No questions!" Eda proded.

  "Okay!" Luz reasures.

  "I said no questions!" Eda says as she grabs (Y/n).

  "Bye Luz, we'll be back as soon as we can." (Y/n) waves goodbye and closed the door.

  Luz shrugs before going back to her room.
"Well King, it's just you and me for a whi--" Luz gasps in shock.

  In the minute she's been gone, King has transformed the room. Drawings of King and screaming people are on the corkboard. Luzura is now in the trash. King is typing peacefully. "Hey hey Luz, great news!"

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