Chapter Three

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Rias: Koneko, you are next.

Issei place his beyblade in his launcher and Koneko did the same thing.

Issei: Three!

Koneko: Two!

Both: One! Let-It-Rip!

Both of them launched their beyblades in the stadium.

Koneko: Leone.

Rock Leone bashes into Lightning Ddraig.

Issei: (Rock Leone, is a defense type now it's acting like attack type just like Sagittario.)

Ddraig: (Don't let looks fool you.)

Issei: (You're right, now I know to think twice.)

Koneko: Leone, True Lion Crushing Fangs!

A tornado appears out of Rock Leone blowing wind everywhere.

Issei: (A tornado!? Really!?)

Rias: Great job, Koneko.

Issei: Ddraig! Dragon Blaze!

Lightning Ddraig spins around Leone.

Koneko: That won't work on me.

Akeno: Wait, something isn't right.

Rias: What do you mean?

They saw that the tornado was starting to disappear and Leone started to lose balance.

Koneko: What!?

Kiba: I get it, now! Lightning Ddraig spins to the left and Leone, spins to the right, so does the tornado. Lightning Ddraig is using it's speed to bring down the tornado.

Akeno: Amazing.

Issei: Spin faster, Ddraig!

Lightning Ddraig spins faster around Rock Leone leaving a red streak behind itself.

Koneko: Don't give up! Leone, Claw Of The Wind!

The tornado reappears, but much stronger.

Asia: It's so strong!

Rias: We know, Koneko, is my Rook. Under the King and the Queen, Rook's are strong in their masters peerage.

Issei: Ddraig, Spin faster! Dragon Boost!

Lightning Ddraig spins very fast causing Leone to float in the air.

Kiba: No, way!

Koneko: Impossible!?

Issei: Welsh Dragon, Hell Raid!

Lightning Ddraig glows red and jumps up, then slams into Rock Leone leaving an explosion then Rock Leone crashes down next to Koneko.

Koneko: I-I lost?

Rias: It's alright, Koneko. You've tried your best. Akeno, you're next.

Akeno: Right.

Koneko grabbed Leone and Akeno steps up.

Akeno: As the Queen of, Rias Gremory. I will defeat you.

Issei grabs Ddraig.

Issei: Then hurry up and launch!

Akeno: Three!

Issei: Two!

Both: One! Let-It-Rip!

Both of them launched their beyblades in the stadium.

Akeno: Go, Ray Striker!

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