Chapter Seven

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Ddraig spins around so fast, he rockets towards Zeoticus. But Zeoticus places a shield towards him, protecting him.

Zeoticus: I guess you don't miss me. 

Issei grabs Ddraig, then he walks past Zeoticus.

Rias: Father, what are you doing here?

Zeoticus: I want to come and see you for Parent day, I thought it would be a surprise to show up unannounced.   

Rias: Father, we're kinda busy. 

Zeoticus: I saw that, and I also saw the new power Issei has. And I think he will be the one to help your Bishop.

Rias: Wait... You don't mean.

Zeoticus: I do. It's time to release him. 


Everyone was standing in front of a door in the ORC building.

Asia: That's where the other bishop is? 

Rias: Father insisted for me to release the seal and allow the bishop to leave this area. I'm not sure why, but the bishop refused the offer. 

Issei: So, this one is a shut in. 

Akeno: Such a shame really considering the child used to be the largest owner we had. 

Kiba: With special contracts the bishop used a computer to make them. 

Xenovia: Which means the power this bishop had must have been fairly dangerous if it needed to be locked away. 

Rias lifted up her hand at the door creating a red circle with triangles breaking the chains. 

Koneko: The seal has been broken. 

Rias: Alright let's see how this goes. 

Then she opens the door only to hear a scream from the room. 

Rias: Hello, I'm glad to see you looking well. 

Gasper: I don't understand what's going on?! 

Akeno walked to the casket and opened it. 

Akeno: The seal has been broken so you're free to come home with us. 

When she opened the top of the casket everyone saw Gasper. 

Gasper: No, I don't wanna ever leave here. The outside is too scary! 

Issei: It's a guy, wearing girl's uniforms? 

Rias: That is correct, He may look like a girl but he is most differently a little boy.

Akeno: He likes to dress up like a girl. 

Then Rias walks to him and hugs him. 

Rias: Everyone, say hello to Gasper Bloody, the bishop in my household. He is a first year student here and before I have the honor to turn him into a devil this little guy is actually half vampire and half human. 

Asia: What? He's a real vampire? 

Rias: That's right, Asia. And just like us he's also a blader, Gasper show them your beyblade.

Gasper shows them his beyblade.

Gasper shows them his beyblade

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