Chapter Five

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Kokabiel pushes Valper towards the stadium, then Valper turns his string launcher upside down.

Issei: Hmm...

Valper: In revenge for Freed, I will kill you!

Issei throws Ddraig in the stadium.

Valper: You think this is a joke!?

Valper launches Destroyer into the Stadium and it hits Ddraig. 

Issei: (Gravity Destroyer, when I first saw it, it was spinning towards the left. But it made two mistakes, spinning towards the right and going in alone.) 

Koneko: Why did he just throw Ddraig in there?

Xenovia: Wait, look, it's gaining spin.

Ddraig started to spin faster as Destroyer keeps hitting it.

Valper: What's happening!?

Ddraig sends Destroyer back as it gain spin.

Valper: Let's see if you can handle this! Destroyer, Counter Mode!

Destroyer's energy ring rotates, then it shows nine red dots on its fusion wheel. Then Ddraig suddenly stops moving, but it was still spinning.

Issei: Hmm?

Irina: What's happening?

Valper: This is what I call "The Eyes Of Medusa" If a beyblade is spinning around it, it will turn into stone!

Issei: Is that so?

Ddraig started to move.

Valper: No!

Ddraig sends Destroyer in the sky.

Kokabiel: Impossible!

Valper: No, I will not lose! I will not accept defeat. Special Move: Destroyer, Gravity Excalibur!

Destroyer turns into its avatar and brings down a black sword.

Issei: You won't accept defeat, huh? Well maybe you will accept death! Ddraig, finish him!

Ddraig turns into a dragon and flies in the air, dodging Destroyer's sword he wraps his tail around him and breathes fire on his face. Then Destroyer was launched beside Valper, then he looks up to see Ddraig in front of him.

Valper: No!

Ddraig wraps its tail around Valper and throws him into its mouth, eating him. Then Ddraig transforms back into a beyblade and lands back into Issei's hand.

Kokabiel: You... Killed... My... Servants...! Oh, well you win some, you lose some. So, are we doing this or what?

Issei: Yeah, I guess so.

Both: Let-It-Rip!

Kokabiel: Kerbecs!

Issei: Ddraig!

Both beyblades were crashing into each other, but nobody saw the silver hair girl on top of the ORC Building.

???: Beloved... you're so cool.

Kokabiel: Kerbecs, Chains Of The Fallen!

Metal chains comes out of Hell Kerbecs and it wraps around Ddraig, then it starts pulling Ddraig towards Kerbecs.

Kokabiel: *Laughing* Kerbecs, smash it into bits!

Kerbecs starts swing Ddraig around, while smashing into it.

Kokabiel: You should have never come back, you were to bold to face me! You may have killed Freed and Valper, but I don't need them! Kerbecs!

Kerbecs glows yellow.

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