The cave..|Chapter.2|

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Once they went into the cave Darius wanted to set some ground rules! ''First thing. You don't fool around got it?, second thing is you let me get the thing belos needs got it?'' ''Sure.'' As they walked into the cave they headed something like a roar? ''...''

Both of them stood silent wanting for the other to say something. ''Uh..let's just go get the palisman!..'' ''Ok.'' Darius said quickly in response to the golden guard... There it was a monster guarding the was horrifying to say the least! ''Darius!, you handle this thing and i'll get the pailsman!!'' ''Got it!'' Was Darius was distracting the monster hunter was running to the pailsman below wanted.. But hunter head Darius yell in frustration! He knew Darius was fine but he wanted to help... Then hunter got an idea! Hunter ran towards the beast ''Kid!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING??'' ''THIS IS MY PLAN!!!''

Hunter yelled in response to Darius. As hunter ran up the beasts back hunter kept hitting the monster with his staff while Darius helping... After 58 minutes of doing that the monster finally fall to the ground.. Then hunter hoped onto the ground next to darius. ''I say we did good!'' ''Now you go get the pailsman!'' 'Fine'' As Darius got the pailsman.. He head hunter welp in pain.. As Darius turned to look he saw.. Hunter's face badly cut up As hunters mask was still covering his eyes so Darius could see the rest of hunters face.. And Darius thought it was form the fight but he still went over to hunter to help.. ''Kid you ok?'' ''...yea!'' ''Your face says otherwise!'' ''....'' Silence is all that came out of hunter.. It's like he wanted to scream, just to tell Darius.. About everything but he knew he couldn't do that after all he did have his uncle belos.. 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭? 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐡.. 𝐇𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐬.. But hunter was cut from his thoughts as Darius said ''There you're done!'' Darius had bandaged up hunter while he was thinking... ''Thanks..'' ''Your welcome.'' As they left with the pailsman they needed they headed back to the castle to give the pailsman to belos.. The walk there was silent.. But a good type of silent... When they got back to the castle kikimora was not to pleased to see hunter back alive.. ''Your back!.., I shall inform the emperor!'' Kikimora said with a lot of frustration in her voice.

As kikimora left to tell belos that they're back.. There was an awkward silence.. And the awkward silence stayed there for 10 minutes until kikimora came back.. ''The emperor wants to see you both.'' ''Ok..'' As they went to see belos kikimora slightly swore under her breath.. As they entered the throne room they both bowed in front of belos as a sign of respect to him.. ''You both did very good..i hope this success will continue on..'' ''Thank you.'' Both hunter and Darius said at the same time.. ''Darius could you leave for a minute i would like to speak with the golden guard..'' ''Of course.'' As Darius left the room belos stood up and walked towards hunter.. ''Hunter.. You did good work today you know that right?'' ''Ye-'' Belos almost cut hunter but didn't.. ''Why is it you succeed today but your other missions you fail?'' ''...'' ''Answer me hunter now..''

Word count:573

So~.. This is it for chapter two.. Chapter three will be angst! So yeah prepare yourselves for sadness(Tʖ̯T) But the it will happy! Anywho~


The golden guard and the head witch of the Abomination Coven.(Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now