Broken Pencils

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Subjects like History and Math seem to take 5 years, and then subjects like Art seem to take only 10 minutes. It's so annoying. I wish there was more Art time.

I tap my pencil on my desk as I listen to my teacher drone on about who knows what, glancing at the clock every 5 seconds and wishing for time to pass faster. It was soon to break, and I liked to work on my art when there was nobody in the room so I could avoid Hana and her friends.

6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...


Yes!!! The bell rang. My teacher tried reminding us about homework, but it was too loud for anyone to hear him. I left the classroom, walking down the hall to my locker.

I entered the combination, grabbing my sketchbook and pencils. I had no lunch and no money for lunch. I hadn't eaten anything today and probably wouldn't end up doing so.

Making my way toward the Art classroom, I pushed through the sea of bodies trying to get to their lockers and the cafeteria.

When I reached the room, however, it was locked. I groaned, leaning against the door.

Dammit! I sighed, picking myself up and trudging towards the cafeteria.

Walking through the doors, I looked around for an open spot so I could work on my drawing.

I took in my surroundings, glancing at an open table with only 2 other people at it. I could sit there, at the opposite end, but my only issue was it was the table right next to Hana's group.

I decided to take my chances and made my way over to the table, sitting down. The other kids didn't even spare me a second glance.

I placed my sketchbook on the table and pulled out my pencils, beginning to sketch a bird. I've been working on my bird sketches lately. I was quite proud of how this one was turning out, it was my best one yet. I'll have to keep it for future reference.

"Hey, blondie."

I turned around to see Kisho and Kisame. Great, Fish Boy and Brainless.

"What do you want?" I asked, turning away from them and going back to my work.

Kisho grabbed my sketchbook off the table, and Kisame grabbed my pencil from my hand.

"Hey!" I spoke. Why does everyone take my stuff? My food, my homework, and now my sketchbook! This is ridiculous!

"Give that back!" I said. This was the most valuable thing I owned, other than my phone, and that thing was so old my sketchbook actually might be worth more. Certainly worth more in sentimental value.

"What are we drawing?" Kisho mused. The others were watching us now. "A bird? How lame," he said, ripping the page out of the book. I gasped. "No..." I said, trying to grab it back from him.

Kisho threw my sketchbook on the floor, but he still had the bird drawing that I worked so hard on.

I scrambled to grab my prized possession, falling to my hands and knees.

"That's right, get it like the dog you are," Sasori chimed in from where he was watching the ordeal.

Suddenly, I heard a rip in the paper, and I stood up with my sketchbook under my arm to see my bird being ripped to pieces.

"No!" I gasped, trying to stop him, but it was too late. It was already ripped to shreds. I heard a snap and looked over to see Kisame snapping my pencils one by one, all my precious drawing tools just being wrecked.

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