Bad History Grades

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After leaving Itachi's house with a half finished drawing, I started my walk home with Naruto in tow. I had to pull him away from the controller, him and Sasuke were having so much fun.

"Did we have to leave? I didn't wanna," Naruto whines, and I just laughed at him.

"We have to get home! Maybe we can go back another time, okay?" I said, and he nodded in excitement.

Arriving home 10 minutes later, I immediately dragged Naruto up to our room to avoid Botan and Chika.

Deidara! Get down here, now!" Chika yelled, and I gulped, telling Naruto to stay and that I would be back soon.

"Hello?" I said, walking down the stairs into the living room. "Why did I just get a call from your history teacher, saying that you have a 68 in history?" She questioned, and I looked away. "I'm not doing too well in history," I muttered.

"Your teacher suggests you get a tutor, but there no way I'm going to spend MORE money on you," she said, and I sighed. "Yeah I-" I tried to say, but Chika cut me off.

"If you're not smart enough to pass one class, then you're not smart at all. All we ask is that you get good grades, is that so hard?!" It's the same conversation over and over, same lines, just a different thing they're getting mad at me for.

"But I'm getting good grades in-" No! It doesn't matter! You don't deserve to live in this house if you're going to do this shit! Do you understand me!? So shut the fuck up, and listen to what I'm saying!" She shouted, and I shrunk back.

"You hear me, you worthless piece of shit? You filthy little brat? You do what I tell you, and if you don't do it, you get punished. Do you understand me?" She hissed, coming closer.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry Chika, I'm sorry," I muttered, but was silenced with a harsh slap to the face. "I've told you to call me mom, but I don't think you're even worthy of being my child," she said, and I whimpered from the pain, putting my hand up to the red mark on my face.

I don't want to be her child. I'm not her kid, she didn't give birth to me. So she can shut the fuck up!

"Do you hear me? You have no value in this life. Nobody, and I mean nobody, cares about you. You don't deserve any of the things you have, I ought to kick you out onto the streets, you ugly little shit," she said pushing me backwards so I fell to the floor.

"Get out of my sight," she hissed, and I got up, scrambling to leave the room. I crossed the threshold, but fell flat on my face, trooping over something. No, not Somehting, someone. More specifically, Hana's foot.

I glared at her, but she just came over snap stepped on my hand. "Ahh!" I cried, and she smirked, getting off my hand. I got up, running up the stairs, tears beginning to fall down my face.

Racing into the bathroom, I leant against the wall, silently crying. To be honest, all the things she said were at least partially true, to a certain extent. Sliding down the wall slowly my hands soaked with tears.

She was right. I'm not smart enough, I don't deserve this. I'm not... I'm not good enough.

Running my hands through my hair, I clenched my fists tightly, pulling at my hair. It hurt, but I didn't care. I sat there and just cried.


"Why were you gone so long?" Naruto asked, running towards me, grabbing me into a tight hug. I had to wait until I looked normal again after crying, or Naruto would question it and I didn't want him to worry about me.

"Ahh, nothing, I just had to go to the washroom after Chika was done talking to me," i explained, and he sighed. "Okay."

Sitting down on my bed, I pulled out my phone and brought up the photo of Itachi so that I could work on my drawing.

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