Didn't Put a Dish Away.

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(TW: abuse)

I walk through the door, arriving home just before Hana, who came in after me. I made sure to put everything away neatly because if I didn't, it wouldn't end well for me.

I carried my homework and school supplies up to my shared room. I saw Naruto sitting on his bed, covered over his head.

I walked over to him, gently pulling the covers off, revealing a crying naruto.

"Naruto! What happened?" I exclaimed, rushing to comfort my brother. I swear to god if they hit him again-

But no, I can't do anything about it. I'll just get it worse, and if I'm hurt I can't get him to school, and he needs an education.

Hugging him tightly as he cried into my shoulder, I gently lifted his face, asking again, "what's wrong?"

"m-my boyfriend b-broke up with me-" he sobbed, and I sighed, holding him as he let it all out.

"It's okay, it's okay," I hushed him, and he gradually began to relax.

At least he wasn't physically hurt, and it wasn't by Botan and Chika.

"Take some deep breaths, it's okay," I whispered. I heard him breathing deeply, and he stopped crying.

"s-sai broke up with me today..." he whimpered, and I gasped.

"he said he didn't like me and that I was just a stupid fag-" he explained, and I was so angry.

"It's okay, you'll find someone that makes you happy," I said, pulling him into a tight hug.

I let him out of my grasp, going over to my bed to work on my English homework.


It was dinner time, maybe I could get some food. When I walked into the kitchen, all the other members of the household were already there.

Naruto was eating quickly, might I add. He wanted to get out of there, I could tell. He finished his food, getting up and tossing the plate in the sink, running by me when he left.

I sighed, sitting at the table, and grabbing a small amount of food. If I took too much I would get yelled at.

Sitting down and silently eating my food, I only looked up when I heard Hana say my name.

"Deidara, did you get your history homework today?" she asked and I drew in a quick breath.

"Yes, I actually did," I said, smiling at her.

"oh, well, that's good," she said, slightly surprised. I grinned.

After finishing my food, I got up and left the table.

"Deidara. Come back here," I heard Botan's voice say from down the hall.

I gulped nervously, making my way back to the kitchen. When I re-entered the room, I saw a Botan and Chika standing by my seat. Chika was holding my plate in her hands, glaring at me.

"We do everything for you in this house, and you have the nerve to disrespect us by not putting a simple dish away? Is that so hard?" Botan asked, stepping forward.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to" I said, but was cut off by a hard shove from the Botan.

"ah!" I exclaimed, hitting the doorframe. Holy hell that hurts.

"you don't deserve food if you're going to leave your dishes out!" he said, kicking me straight in the stomach, making me collapse to the ground.

This hurts so much.

I roll out of the way, avoiding another kick from Botan.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry I won't do it again!" I gasped, trying to stand. I leaned against the doorframe, trying to steady myself.

"You better not!" he hissed at me, giving me one final shove, making me fall backward onto the hallway floor.

I groaned in pain, and I could hear Hana laughing at me. I sat up, and the Botan had already gone back to his spot at the table.

this was such a stupid thing to get mad over! I didn't put a fucking dish away? So what!? It's a dish. no need to beat me up! All they needed to do was remind me, but no, they needed to kick me and shove me.

At least my bullies had a reason for bullying me, my so-called "parents"? they just beat the shit out of me for fun.

I stood up, wincing as I felt pain in the spot where the Botan had kicked me. I made my way up the stairs to my room.

When I opened the door, I was embraced by a blonde ball of worry.

"Deidara! Did they hurt you? Are you okay?" Naruto bombarded me with questions, and I let out a small laugh. "I'm fine," I said, sitting down on my bed, and lying down.

"okay..." Naruto said, knowing not to press further.


Naruto was sitting cross-legged on the floor, doing math homework.

he stretched, yawning. "hey Dei, can you look at my homework for me?" he asked, handing me the paper.

I looked over it, and it was pretty decently done. I pointed out a couple of mistakes he made, helping him fix them.

It was 9:30, time for him to go to sleep. He has school in the morning.

I made Naruto get into bed, saying goodnight and shutting the lights off. I waited until I heard light snores before I turned on my phone, the artificial light flooding my face.

just scrolling through TikTok, maybe an hour passed before I decided to go to sleep. turning off my phone and plugging it in. I have to charge it for like, ever because my phone is a fucking dinosaur and takes 30 years to charge.

lying down to sleep, I closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep.

(A/N: I'm so sorry. sorry sorry sorry. I haven't updated in a bit and this chapter is not only short but shitty.  I'm sorry it's short and I'm sorry it's terrible and I'm sorry it's boring as fuck. Also, know that Itachi and Deidara's relationship hasn't really evolved too much, but I promise you it's getting there.  Also, I know I said I didn't like the title "Wrap Your Arms Around Me," but it's actually kind of growing on me, and I'm starting to like it so I'm going to keep it.  Thank you for your patience and ily all!)

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