Art Project

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After English class, I went to my favorite class of the day. You guessed it, art.

Mr. Asano seemed to be in a good mood today. He told us we were starting a new assignment.

I hope it's something good... it better not be some lame-ass thing where we have to draw a flower garden or something.

"You're going to be doing this project with partners chosen at random by me," Mr. Asano announced, and I groaned. There was nobody in this class that I even liked!

He started listing off partners, and then he called out my name, and I snapped my head up, looking around and hoping I didn't get a bad partner.

Deidara,... you're going to be with, uh, Haru," he said, and I sighed. Haru wasn't the worst kid to be paired with, but he never did any work.

"But Mr. Asano! I'm already paired with Kaito!" Haru complained, and Mr. Asano looked up from his list in surprise.

"oh! I didn't even notice! I'm so sorry Haru, I accidentally paired you with two people!" he said, scribbling something on his paper.

"Okay, here, Deidara, instead of Haru, you're going to be with... Itachi," he corrected, and I straightened up in surprise.

"Itachi? But-" I began, but Mr. Asano cut me off. "partners are final, Deidara. Don't try and fight it."

I sighed, looking over at Itachi, who had his usual expressionless face. I rolled my eyes, looking back at our teacher.

"he finished listing the partners, and then he began to tell us about the assignment.

"you're going to be painting each other. Not literally," he said, as some of the guys seemed to get excited at the fact of putting paint on each other's bodies.

There were a few groans of disappointment, but I was glad. "here's what you have to do, I'm going to write I n]t on the board," he explained, grabbing a whiteboard marker and started writing on the board.

Sketch your partner on paper first Pick the colours you're going to use Transfer your sketch onto a canvas Paint your partner Turn in

Oh, this wasn't that bad. Itachi's not bad looking either, so he'll be fun to draw and paint.

"you may go talk to your partners now," he finished, and people started getting up to go to the tables their partners are sitting at. I sighed, getting up and walking over to Itachi, who wasn't moving.

"hey," I said, about to have a second conversation with the Uchiha.

"Hello," he said, turning to me and pulling up a seat. "sit," he said, motioning for me to sit down.

Accepting his offer, I smiled and nodded, sitting down in the chair.

"so should I draw you first or should you draw me?" I asked, pulling out my sketchbook and pencils.

"how about you draw me first? Even better, why don't you come over to my house to draw? It's quieter and it gives us more time," he mused, and I was surprised at the suggestion. He wanted me to come over to his house? I know it's only for a project, but still. We very much could do it at school.

"o-okay. But if I do come then I have to bring my younger brother, naruto. He's in grade 6," I said, hoping he would still want me to come.

"Yeah, that's fine! I have a younger brother in grade 6 as well. Maybe they know each other, my brother's name is Sasuke and he often tells me about his day at school, the name naruto sounds familiar," he replied, and I grinned.

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