Chapter 5

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"Hon, Taehyung is waiting in the living room. Do you want me to let him into your room?" Jimin's mother knocked on the door, waking the boy up on alert. "Sure, mom, bring him in." He mumbled and scrambled out of bed, hurrying to the bathroom to try and make himself look presentable.

When his door was opened, he felt his heart drop then pick itself up to start racing in motion. "Jiminie?" The deep voice called from the bedroom. Jimin fixed his hair then moved confidently to the room.

"What?" He sat on the chair he had, eyeing Taehyung's not so confident aura. "I want to talk about yesterday. I was wrong and I shouldn't have done that from the start." Jimin flustered his eyes, he forgot about his madness and just deflated in his seat.

"Yeah, I didn't like it. At all." Taehyung swallowed before nodding. "But you sounded really good." Taehyung's mouth spoke without doubt. Jimin frowned. How could he say that after he apologized and after what he said? He didn't like how Taehyung could be so open about things that should be kept away and more privately spoken about.

"Kim Taehyung! Apologize and leave! I'm not dealing with your bullshit today!" He angrily growled and stomped his way toward the seat boy on the bed. "You know what! Fuck you!" He grabbed Taehyung's collar and hold him out of his room, locking it before Taehyung could slide in. Taehyung scratched his head, unknowing of what to do.

"Baby, I'm sorry." He said closely to the door, he placed his ear on the door and listened. All he could hear were the curses Jimin threw out in the air while it seemed like he was getting into his bed.

He sighed softly, he walked off and and his legs led him to the convensious store. He snaked around all the asise and added all Jimin's favorites.

"It's for my lover." He grinned softly. The cashier smiled too, "she must be craving." Taehyung chuckled but shook his head. "No no, I was in the wrong, sir. I'm just apologizing with snacks to make it up to him." The cashier didn't change his expression, he only nodded. "I hope it ends well." He encouraged, Taehyung thanked him and walked back to his best friend's home.

He walked himself in with the key under the mat since Jimin's parent's cars weren't parked anymore. So, he stepped slowly and went up to the familiar door. "Jimin, open up." He knocked softly. He didn't hear anything so when the door suddenly opened he yelped and stepped away.

He was frighten but the slight smile Jimin made when he saw his reaction made it worth it. He cleared his throat and held the heavy bag up to him, "sorry." He whispered and lowered his gaze. He sensed Jimin move away asking for him to follow, he didn't hesitate to listen. He closed the door behind him and waited for Jimin to get in bed before himself.

Once they were in the sheets sitting up, he showed and spoke about each and every snack he took. Jimin carried a smile while he watched Taehyung passionately speak about the foods he found, but not once did he open his mouth to speak himself.

Taehyung ended it off by opening bag of candy and stuffing it into Jimin's mouth, "it's good right?" He already knew the answer but he wanted to hear Jimin's voice. "It is." He chewed on the fruity candy. Taehyung happily smiled and popped one in his mouth as well and nodded, "it is good." He confirmed.

"Did you know sugar can release endogenous opioids and it's responsible for making sweets enjoyable?" Jimin shook his head, quite impressed. "It's true. The neutrons in ours brains signal positive feedback making us want to enforce behaviors like eating sweets, if that makes sense." Taehyung shrugged and ate another candy.

Jimin slowly nodded, he's never seen Taehyung know things about various things. "Good to know." He mumbled and opened another bag of candies. "But let's not eat at once. We don't want doctor Kim to pay visit again, do we?" Jimin pouted and shook his head. "That's right." Taehyung handed him one last candy before putting all away in the bag, he looked on his phone and noticed it was almost the afternoon.

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