Chapter 29

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The next morning, Jimin was woken by Taehyung. They decided to do the daily chores together today. With that being said, they both gotten ready and they were out the door with a paper showing the tasks in Jimin's hand.

"What's on the list?" Taehyung bumped into Jimin's side, smiling at him before taking in the environment around them. Jimin looked at the slightly crumbled paper and read through the paper, "pick chicken eggs." He read out loud and looked over to Taehyung.

Taehyung nodded and began the walk to the one  high long fenced area. "Chickens are mean. So be careful." Jimin was handed an wooden oval basket by Taehyung who explained. Jimin nodded and followed Taehyung through the entrance.

Taehyung shooed away the animals while Jimin was behind him grasping onto his shirt. They got the chicken coop and one by one they entered the small room, Taehyung took the eggs from the mothers easily.

Jimin was too scared to move his hand closer to the den, "I need help." He mumbled softly, Taehyung left his task to help with Jimin. He took Jimin's hand and carefully led him to the dens of the sassy chickens.

Jimin closed his eyes, hearing Taehyung shoo the chickens, then feeling his hand move in motion and soon he felt an oval egg shell. He opened his eyes and smiled taking the egg away.

Taehyung was thanked by a kiss on his cheek, "now, you try." He whispered to Jimin who seemed more confident. After shooing the birds, they finally got all the eggs.

They left the fenced area and placed the eggs somewhere secure. "What's next?" Taehyung spoke while he wiped his hands together. Jimin took out the paper again, "feed the animals." He read.

Jimin looked up and Taehyung was already leading the way to fulfill the chore. "We need three cups of that mix and fours of this one." Taehyung instructed to Jimin, giving him a scooper and a bucket. Then, he went to do the same to a different bucket.

"I'm tired, tae." Jimin said after scooping the instructed amounts. Taehyung speared a glance to Jimin and nodded, he finished mixing the pallets and took the bucket up by it's handle. He walked over to Jimin's bucket and did the same, signaling Jimin to follow along.

They walked to a different area and stepped into the fenced. "Sit here and feed them." Taehyung brought Jimin an bench and placed the bucket down in front of it, shooing the animals that tried to take the food.

Jimin nodded and sat, taking hand fulls of the pallets and tossed them down to the torn grass. Taehyung left to a different area and did the same for the animals so everyone could eat. They soon finished and it was onto the next chore which was to feed the guarding dogs that took care of the animals.

"What's this one's name?" Taehyung looked over and shrugged, "they don't get names." He answered truthfully. Jimin narrowed his eyebrows, he crouched down and started to talk to the dog who seemed nervous since it didn't get much interactions with humans.

"No, Jimin, you'll make him want to be with humans. He should be with the animals that's his job." He picked Jimin back up and took his hand to led him to a further distance, ignoring Jimin's upset words.

"We have to fill their water tubs." Jimin huffed, walking with Taehyung who didn't pay attention to him anymore. They pulled the hose and walked all around the farms to fills the tubs for the animals.

"Now, it's the fun part. Today we get to pick strawberries." Taehyung told Jimin. He grabbed two new wooden baskets and led to the other side of the farm where it distributed to the fresh fruits and vegetables.

"I think he should get a name." Jimin pouted his lips while he crossed his arms, Taehyung let a silent sigh out. "Like what?" He asked.

Instantly, Jimin was brighten up.

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