Chapter 14

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Taehyung walked through the front gates and into the school doors. He wasn't greeted as he usually was instead he was greeted by the judging eyes and whispers that were hurtful to his ears. He lowered his glaze for the first time at school, he frown and kept walking.

"He ruined Jimin."

"Poor Jimin."

"Sana is better than Jimin, not the other way around."

"They were only best friends, what's the problem?"

He heard mixture of response, but shrugged it off when he seen Sana. "Taehyungie." She smiled and hugged his arm, he grinned at the girl and rubbed her hair. "Hey! I spent my time on my hair and you just ruin it!" She pouted and walked with Taehyung.

They didn't know where they were going but they let their legs guide him, "it looks good, no need to spend time on it." He rubbed her head again and smiled when she threw a small tantrum. "I like this outfit." He fixed it with another compliment and it worked. Sana gushed, forgetting what she was doing before.

They walked a little more and found themselves at a random hallway, Taehyung led Sana to the lockers and placed her on them. He cornered the girl, grinning softly before lowering himself to her lips. He felt arms around his neck, he smiled through the kiss while she tried to create more tension.

"We're at school." He whispered into her ear, he let his hands led themselves down to her waist, gripping before tugging softly making a gasp leave her mouth. He snickered loudly when she started to get playfully upset, but it was a way to mask her embarrassment.

The bell was heard.

Taehyung held his palm out for Sana to reach, he walked her to class, "I'll see you during lunch." He kissed her cheek and walked off to his own classroom.

He greeted the teacher, with no jokes just a simple good morning and off to his seat, quite surprised when he seen Jimin sitting down, with his eyes straight to the board and arms crossed with an unbothered look.

"I'll come and collect homework." The teacher announced, Taehyung rubbed his face with his hands and slowly looked over when he heard Jimin make a ruckus. "Let me copy off of you." Jimin said nothing and gave the piece of paper to the teacher hearing a groan from the boy next to him. He rolled his eyes and began to look out the window, Taehyung clicked his tongue of of annoyance.

"Jimin was out for a whole week and still managed to do the homework, what's your excuse?" The teacher questioned. Taehyung looked up to the teacher and shrugged with a grin, "none of your damn business." The teacher scrunched her nose and shook her head, she obviously knew Taehyung wasn't being himself so she let it pass.

She smiled at Jimin and walked off to start the lesson, leaving the two boys to pay attention in their own ways. When the lesson was done and they had their own time to do their independent work, the boys both did their own thing. Jimin began on the worksheet the teacher handed out while Taehyung went onto his phone to play a game or even text Sana.

"Let me have the answers when you're done." Taehyung elbowed the boy with a smile but when Jimin snapped away, he lost his reason to smile. "Why don't you do your own work?" Jimin sassily told, sending him a mean look before fixing back to the sheet in front of him.

Taehyung pouted softly, he turned off his phone and turned his attention to Jimin, "I'm sorry-" Jimin slammed his pencil onto the desk making a few students look over, "save it. I don't want to hear it." Taehyung flickered his eyes, why did he like being talked to this way? He gulped down and nodded, he lowered his head and nodded again.

He raised his hand up to the boy, showing his pinky up to him. Jimin eased up to the sight, now he felt bad. But, he scoffed and went back to his work making Taehyung lower his hand and lay himself down on the desk for the remaining time of class.

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