Side Story: Chapter 9

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The whole week has passed and now it was Saturday. Jungkook woke up quite early today because he was going to make Sana's favorite cookies and giving them to her.

He poked his tongue on the side of his cheek trying hard not to let the excitement show, but instead of fighting it away, he let it show. All throughout the baking, he couldn't help but smile brightly at the stirring feeling he felt dwelling inside his stomach.

He picked them up neat and nice in a container before racing upstairs to get freshen up and dressed. Once finished, he took the container with the warm cookies and walked over to Sana's house.

Checking his phone every now and so to the time, it showed eleven o'clock. He hummed softly and kept walking, and not to long, he was at the steps of her pouch.

The excitement died down and replaced with the stressful and scared emotions. He wasn't ready to face her, but it was too late when he rang the doorbell. "Shit." He whispered, hearing footsteps being made closer and closer to the door.

His eyes widen seeing Sana open the door a creak and ask a question softly. "It's me, Jungkook." He whispered and after seconds, Sana opened the door widely. They maintained eye contact until Jungkook looked down and held the container up to Sana's attention.

He smiled softly when the container was lifted up from his palms, "sorry, I'm not interested in Girl Scout cookies." Sana mockingly told, putting the container back in the palms of Jungkook.

Jungkook took all offense to her words, he snatched his cookies back, "they're your favorite." He remembered the long conversation he had with Yoongi and Hoseok.

He had to keep his cool down.

He smiled and opened the lid to reveal the cookies and sure enough, they were her favorite. She took one of the many and took a bite, humming with a nod while she moved to the side to let Jungkook in. He mentally thanked Yoongi and Hoseok and walked in to be led up to her bed room.

Sana took the container and began to eat one while she was stared at by Jungkook. "Is there a reason why you're here?" Sana asked with her mouth fully. Jungkook cooed at her actions and nodded, "I like you and I want to be with you." He paced through his words with his eyes closed so he wouldn't have to face rejection instantly.

Sana couldn't process his words, it was almost like she forgot that she even had feelings for him. It went unclear in her heart, like it was denying Jungkook. Even if she's been waiting and wanting to hear those words from Jungkook, now that she's heard them, she doesn't feel that bliss she thought she would feel.

The silence began to get to him, with his squeezed eyes, he took a small peek at the girl, "Sana." His voice was no higher than a whisper. Then, his eyes widen opened, taking in her facial expression that spoke up more than her voice did.

A smile.

One he's never gotten before himself, but one he's seen Sana giving it around whenever she didn't want to speak her truth.

The pitying one.

He laughed hard, feeling the tears run down as he continued to laugh and laugh trying to brighten his emotions, it only worsen.

He wanted reassurance,

he wanted comfort,

he wanted her.

"I'll see you soon." Jungkook weakly told. He bowed his head and just ran out the house, they kept slipping and rolling down seemingly unstoppable.

The tightness and burn pressure kept increasing crushing every muscle he has in his body. Minding the stinging he felt on his feet every step he took, furthering himself away form the one person he wanted to curl up on.

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