v. distracted by the enemy

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A WEEK PASSED, and Alexander's hard work from stocking shelves and assisting customers paid off. With only two weekend shifts and one weekday shift, he managed to make more than enough money to pay for his Chorus dues. With a new debit card his father awarded him, he paid eighty dollars easily and set his extra bits to the side.

But the question was, would he keep working? That was exactly what his father wondered once his son informed him about his quick success. It wasn't rocket science to Alexander. If he kept working a little bit, he figured that he could give a portion of it to his father to pay for groceries and bills easily. It wouldn't be much money, but it would help.

His father, however, was on a different page. "Alexander, I appreciate you trying to help, but I don't want you tiring yourself out because of me," he rejected as he shook his head, his fingers clutching on his second cup of fresh-brewed coffee. "Sori, you need to focus on school more. I'll handle the bills, so don't spend your money on me."

"But Dad — it'll help you, Constance, and I out a tiny bit more," Alexander protested before crossing his arms. "You can't just keep denying the help you have right in front of you." 

"Lower your tone. Everything will be just fine, I promise," his father insisted before patting his son on the back. Alexander watched him disappear into the living room in disbelief. There wasn't much he could do to convince his father to let him help out a bit. His father usually rejected help and took all of the accountability for the situation he and his children were in.

All Alexander could do was take a deep breath before he grabbed his belongings before he went out the door for school.

 	The school day has almost come to a halt

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The school day has almost come to a halt. It was the student's last period of the day, and Inez and Alexander were stuck in Chorus in the most unpleasant situation possible. Dr. Terry prompted the pair to start the choir off on Maybe I'm Amazed from Joyful Noise. The choir worked on the song bit by bit for the past week, but they never sung the song straight through. Instead, they intensively worked on everyone's vocals as a whole, as well as the delivery.

Now, they'd finally be singing the song. But only if Alexander and Inez led everyone in together. The Korean boy had the first part, which everyone depended on him for. He took a small peek at Inez, who was directly glaring at him side-eye. Within a heartbeat, the boy faced forward as he brushed his feet against the hard, carpeted ground below him. 

"Whenever you're ready, Alexander," Dr. Terry informed as she projected the song's soundtrack on the speaker system. When the piano introduction of the song concluded, Alexander kept his posture straight and did what he did best. He sang his part of the duet with his heart, remembering that it had a purpose. He wasn't given the duet for no reason, so he figured that he had to sing it with expression and love. After all, that's what Dr. Terry taught him all these years.

Once Alexander's part of the duet was over, he took a brisk glance at Inez to cue her into her part. All the girl did, however, was stare back at him blankly before she began to sing. It wasn't hostile; it was just blank. As she sang her part, the lyrics she sang weren't words anymore. They came to life in the most harmonious way possible. That's what singing is. It brings stanzas of words to life in the most powerful way possible.

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