xvii. walmart's kris jenner

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EVEN IF IT was the middle of the grueling winter season, Meadowbrook High School's media center was as cold as ice. You'd think that in the middle of winter in such a public room in a school would be warm and cozy. But that wasn't the case. According to the signs Alexander Choi saw on the school library's swinging doors, the heat system was broken, and the air conditioning was running effortlessly.

Surely, it was unlucky to go through, especially since he had no choice but to spend his free period here. He couldn't go to the lunchroom because it was busy and loud. He couldn't go to the theater because theater fundamental classes were taking at the moment. His only reasonable choice was the school library, which was currently freezing him to chills. Even through his bulky, black hoodie, he felt goosebumps crawl over the surface of his arms. The cold cup of coffee he brought to school that morning wasn't helping, either.

After he tossed his empty cup into a nearby trash can, he popped a breath mint into his mouth and began to chew it as he flipped through his American Government textbook. Normally, he'd use his free period to study, but today, he felt completely different. Instead of reading through chapters to take efficient notes, he took out his phone and began to play a mobile runner game, Subway Surfers. As soon as the app was loaded up, soon enough, he was running through a subway, dodging his way between trains, tunnels, and such.

Frankly, the best part about having a free period was how he could do whatever he wanted as long as it was quiet. No one could stop him from not studying because really, no one was around. Sure, with all the free time he had in his hands, he could study. But after a few grueling classes of non-stop learning, it was completely ideal to take a small break. It wouldn't hurt at all, especially if he only procrastinated for a few minutes.

That's what he thought he would do at least. Up until someone stood right behind him mysteriously, causing him to jump. His finger unintentionally slid to the right, which caused him to crash right into a barrier.

With a heavy sigh, Alexander turned his head, only to see Inez Archer, who was hauling a few books in her hand. "Inez, you made me crash. Now I have to start over," Alexander pouted like a little kid as he pointed to his phone.

"Looks like I scared you that much, huh?" Inez questioned as her eyelashes fluttered.

"No, not at all," Alexander stammered as he shook his head in denial.

"Liar," the girl insisted as she took a seat right across from the boy. "I saw you jump when I snuck up behind you."

The boy rolled his eyes. "Okay, you win, Nezzie. But what brings you here at this hour? Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"Don't call me Nezzie," the girl insisted. "I finished my work early, so my teacher let me come to the library to return some books that are almost overdue, maybe check out a few while I'm at it."

"Looks like you wanted to come visit me, then," Alexander teased as he placed his phone face-down on the wooden table.

Inez's eyes rolled to the back of her head. "Shut up, I just don't want to go back to class. It's literally dead silent in there. Can't even relax a little."

"I see, I see," Alexander nodded his head curtly. "I guess we're both stuck in the same boat, Nezzie."

"Alexander, for the millionth time ever, don't call me Nezzie," Inez said as her fingers brushed against the cover of one of her checked out books. "I've already told you that I hate it."

"I just love watching you squirm, and you know that. I just want to have a little fun," the boy chuckled as he planted a hand on the girl's shoulder from beside him. "It's become a habit.

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