xxviii. alexander can't always get what he wants

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ALEXANDER CHOI FEELS LIKE SHIT, like a rotten apple sitting at the bottom of a fruit bowl. Just like a rotten apple, he felt like an outsider. Even on a grueling Wednesday at school at noon, he didn't feel himself. He wished that he could blame it on him not being a morning person, but it had been hours since he awakened.

For school, however.

He spent the night tossing and turning, breaking out into cold sweats every now and then, clueless of what was going on. Alexander didn't even get to sleep. Every time he'd drift off to sleep, he'd wake back up again, pondering about what happened the day prior. And boy, he thought about it hard.

Alexander Choi felt like a horrible person. He felt terrible for completely pushing his girlfriend away the day prior. He felt miserable for letting his feelings get in the way of everything. He felt shitty for everything he did.

He felt so shitty to the point where it followed him to the next day, where he didn't even bother to take a sip of his newly bought water bottle. Instead, he just stared at it, fiddling with the cap by opening and closing it over again.

He felt so bad to the point where he wanted to erase what happened the day prior. If going into a time machine would help, he'd do that. But that was just all a fantasy — one that was never bound to come true.

If anything, Alexander can't always get what he wants. Nobody can. Things can go wrong at times, and yesterday was a perfect example of that. However, he figured that he had no one to blame but himself. Inez and him hadn't talked since the altercation happened, which only caused the boy to think all sorts of things. He did say he wanted space, but he couldn't help but think about how Inez would probably feel inside.

What if she's mad at me?

Maybe she's trying to avoid me?

Alexander Choi couldn't stop the questions from flooding into his head, as much as he wanted them to. Something was wrong, and he knew it. So instead of keeping it all to himself, he informed his best friend, Jayden, about it. Every little detail.

"Don't feel too bad. Sure, you could've handled it a little better, but you wanted your space," he assured. "I'm almost completely sure she isn't giving you the silent treatment or anything. Did you even see her today? Or texted or called her?"

"No, but—"

"Exactly," Jayden shrugged as he opened a small carton of apple juice. "You haven't come into contact with her, she didn't leave you on 'seen' or anything, so I don't think she's giving you the silent treatment. She's just giving you the space you asked for."

Alexander shook his head. "Okay, but I still feel kind of bad. I feel so . . . guilty."

"You and her need to talk," his best friend urged him without hesitation before taking a sip of his apple juice. "When you're ready, have a meaningful conversation about what happened to clear the air. Don't whine about it like children but talk about it like young adults. I'm sure Inez will understand. But make sure you don't text her about it — these conversations are better in-person."

"Jay, you are the bestest friend ever," the Korean boy raved. "I'm so lucky to have you."

Jayden nodded in agreement. "Damn right you are." 


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