xxii. don't call me nezzie

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WITHIN A COUPLE OF DAYS, Alexander Choi finally grew the balls to do the inevitable; the moment he was waiting for; the moment that he was scared to even mention.

It felt weird to imagine in his brain. Potentially going out on a date with someone you used to despise was strange to Alexander. If he had some sort of crystal ball a year prior to that day to predict the future, he wouldn't have believed what was about to happen. But things may change, and it is completely okay. That is what Alexander Choi has come to realize.

Even if he wore a bulky sweater, the Korean boy felt goosebumps crawl across the surface of his skin. It suddenly didn't matter that he'd be able to go home for the day because his last class period was over. Frankly, it didn't excite him at the moment. He felt a large weight compress against his chest as he got up from his chair, rushing up towards Inez afterwards before she could escape the classroom.

It wasn't a now or never situation, it really wasn't. But to Alexander, it sure felt like it.

"Inez, hey," Alexander mustered a weak smile as he shoved his hands into his pockets. "How are you?"

The girl smiled as she adjusted her freshly-done box braids, which went all the way down to her hips. "Hi, I'm doing great. You?"

"Just fine," the Korean boy mused as he removed one of his hands from his pocket to brush it through his shaggy, brunette hair. "You do like ice cream, right?"

"Yes, of course. Ice cream is so delicious," Inez raved as she licked her lips at the thought of the frozen treat. "What's your favorite ice cream flavor?"

Alexander hummed with a grin. "Cookie dough."

"Looks like our favorites are similar," Inez acknowledged. "Cookie dough is alright for me, but my favorite is cookies and cream. I love the way it melts in your mouth . . . and the cookies are delicious just like Oreos."

"Yeah, true. Cookies and cream is definitely one of my top flavors," Alexander teased as he shrugged his shoulders. "But cookie dough is still the winner for me."

Inez mused with a smile. "Eh, yeah, it's still good. But all of this ice cream talk is making me want it so bad."

"Well . . . I was thinking . . ." the brunette haired boy said as he placed his hand on the back of his neck. His chest began to compress more and more, as if an elephant was sitting right on top of him. Boy, it was not pleasant. And frankly, there was only one way to get rid of the feeling. He'd have to get what he wanted to say out of the way. "Are you free this Saturday?"

"Uh-huh," the girl with the braids nodded as she raised her eyebrow slightly. "But I'm confused. What does this have to do with me wanting ice cream?"

"Do you wanna go out to Bruster's to grab some ice cream with me this weekend?" the Korean boy blurted out all at once.

Breathe, Alexander. Wait for her answer before you start to freak out.

"Uh, yeah, of course," Inez chirped with a smile. "Is this like . . . a date or something?"

"That's exactly what I'm aiming for," Alexander sighed in relief. His chest began to decompress. It felt like the so-called elephant that was sitting on his chest was getting off, which felt great. It was one heck of a relief to feel no weight on his shoulders.

"In that case, I can't wait," Inez grinned with a wide smile. "But what time on Saturday?"

"How about at three o'clock?" The brunette-haired boy offered as they rounded a corner, which will eventually lead into a busy main stairwell. "We can meet up at Bruster's, the one near the Walmart close by."

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