xxxi. the choir experience

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THE CITY IS POURING WITH RAIN as a fourth of students at Meadowbrook High gathered their lunches at noon. Water droplets cascaded down the large windows at the side of the cafeteria, pelting the windows like bullets as it fell.

Alexander has grown to enjoy the rain. The sound it made while pattering on his roof at night was a soother that never failed to get him to fall asleep like a baby at night. The aroma of it was refreshing — a lot better than the odor of burned fuel from cars and trucks on a highway. A lot of people don't like rain because it gives them a shower they never asked for — but Alexander loves it and everything about it.

However, rainfall on the day of his last high school choir performance was something he's already growing to hate. As much as he didn't mind the rain, it was sure as heck going to ruin the event. Even if they'd be indoors, shielded by the large roof of the school's auditorium, rainfall has always given a strange vibe. Especially being that it was the season of May, moving on to June. Just for the day, Alexander would rather have the weather be blazing hot than to be wet and muddy.

All he could depend on, however, was the weather app on his cell phone. Tapping on the cloud and sun icon, the Korean boy looked through today's forecast hour by hour. The performance was set to be at six later that day, so he quickly scrolled to that particular time.

"Look," he said to his girlfriend, who sat beside him at a lunch table. He placed his phone in between him so she could see his screen better. "The weather app says that it's supposed to be cloudy at six during the concert. For the rest of the night until about ten, actually."

"Seems like a miracle is coming our way, then," Inez mused as she stared at the large windows meters ahead, the seats in front of her cleared. "It's pouring out there."

"I kind of like it, I'm not going to lie. Rain can be extremely relaxing," Alexander hummed as he viewed the water droplets smack against the window. "But not for tonight. Today just feels . . . different."

Inez planted a finger over her chin as one of her eyebrows raised. "Different because of what?"

"Different because today is a special day. Today will be our last day performing for the high school choir," the Korean boy answered. "You know, it just brings me to realize that there are only a few weeks of school left. Exams will start, and bam — we'll be walking across the stage, having our diplomas in hand several weeks later. It just feels so . . . real, yet fake at the same time."

"So this performance must be like a friendly reality check for you?" The girl questioned before she unwrapped her school-bought turkey sub, revealing a flat sandwich with no value whatsoever.

"Exactly!" Alexander exclaimed as he snapped his fingers. "This is making me realize how we're not going to even be in high school anymore as seniors. It just feels different."

"You're right. It does feel different," Inez nodded her head in agreement as she spread a small packet of mayonnaise over an assortment of tomato slices, lettuce, cheddar cheese, and turkey. "But we should enjoy the rest of our time here while we can. These are memories we're building here. It's all part of the high school experience — the choir experience, as well."

"We did create some nice memories," the brunette-haired boy chuckled as he turned his body slightly to face his significant other. "Remember the time when we got caught for running around backstage at Crews High after LGPE?"

"Oh yeah, that was fun. Racing each other really brought back some childhood nostalgia. Too bad we got caught," the girl with the sleek low ponytail laughed. "Speaking of getting caught, do you remember the time where we got kicked out of the school library by Ms. Dunn?"

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