Chapter 12

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Will we ever have a happy ever after::::

Para 11:

"'I should've seen this coming. I'm so sorry. I'm a fuck up.

Liam... Daddy direction. I could always come to you. If I would argue with Louis or my family I would come to you. I hope you get your happy ever after with Niall. You deserve it. I will miss you so much. I love you.

Niall... Leprechaun. Liam's leprechaun. You gave the best hugs. Seriously. You always cheered me up after arguments with Louis or my family. Your jokes where so stupid that thy actually where funny. I will miss you. I love you brother.

Zayn... My best friend. My brother. I can't even remember how many times I came to you after shit went down. I can't remember how many times I could count on you. I love you so fucking much. Good luck with Jimmy.

Nathan... Your my absolute babe. I love you for everything you done you done for me. After the break up with Louis, you supported me and cheered me up. I can't thank you enough for what you done for me. Bye babe. I love you and I'll miss you.

Jimmy... I wish you all the best with Zayn. You better not hurt him or I will haunt you everyday of your life. I didn't really know you but I want to thank you for being there. I love you and I will miss you.

Louis... Boobear, babe, honey, my world, my everything. I love you so fucking much words can't even explain my love towards you. You mean everything to me. They don't know about us Lou. They never did. I wish I just got one last kiss from you before I went away. Before I leave you forever. I wish I could say 'kiss me you fool' one last time to you before I go. Guess it's too late now. Will we ever have a happy ever after? I guess not. I love you so much and I'm sorry it had to end like this. Your my world, my everything. Your the best thing that ever happen to me. Bye Lou.'

Harry Edward Styles 01.02.1994 to 10.11.14. I love you babe." Louis managed to say before tears started streaming down his face. Harry was dead. It was official.

"It's all my fault." Louis said as Niall hugged him and tried to calm him down.

"It's not your fault honey. It's no ones fault. He was depressed." Niall said as tears escaped his eyes. Louis cried more and held him tighter.

"It is. I was with him. On the 10th. I left him though. I saw all his cuts and scars. He told me he stopped. That it was the past. He said he regretted every cut he made on his body. He said he didn't want to do this any more. He said he didn't want to live like this." Louis said as the boys hugged him so tight so all his broken pieces got stuck together.

"Louis, we all love you. Don't blame yourself for something you had no influence on. It was his choice. His life. Not you fault." Zayn said as Louis nodded and stood up.

"Yeah. I'm going to Harry's. Don't wait for me or come with me." He said as he walked off.

Louis POV::::::

It's my fault. It's my fault hazelnut died. It's my fault I didn't save him.

I walked into his apartment and all the memories struck me like a truck. Everything. Everything single little memory. The good and the bad. Everything. I love hazelnut. Every single flaw on him was beautiful. All of his scars and cuts where beautiful.

I walked into his room. Our night on the 10th struck me. Then Eleanor called me. WHY DID I GO?! I opened his cupboard and took out the largest hoodie I could find. It snarled of him and it was so soft. I saw a box at the bottom of the cupboard. I took it out and placed it on the bed next to me.

I took off the lid and started looking through the box. I saw many pictures of us. Kissing. Hugging. Holding each other. Sleeping next to each other. My tears falling on the pictures as I took out a letter.

"Dear Louis, I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry baby. I'm so sorry I hate myself for this. Geez, I love you.

Anyway, please don't hurt yourself over this. I'm your angel now. I'll protect you and the boys.

You mean so much to me. You're my boyfriend even after our break up you WHREe my boyfriend. No matter what. I love you.

At the bottom of the box, in a small box I got something for you. Get it out before you finish of reading this but don't open it." I read out loud. I took the little box out. I wiped the tears out of my eyes and took the letter again.

"Okay, so here we go. You mean so much to me Louis William Tomlinson. You're my world. My sunshine. My heaven. You are my everything.

Okay, open the box now but don't look in it yet." I opened the box and didn't look inside.

"Will you, Louis William Tomlinson, marry me? Well wear the ring for me?" I took the ring out the box and put it on my finger.

"Yes babe. Yes." I muttered to myself as I cried myself to sleep.


I got woken up by someone shaking me and lying down next to me.

"Babe, wake up." They said as they lay down next to me. I looked at them. It was Harry.

"Harry!" I shouted as I hugged him.

"You thought you're gonna get rid of me so quickly. Babe where engaged. I love you so fucking much honey. You're mine forever." He said as my tears started dreaming down my face. He pressed his lips agains mine and moved them in perfect harmony with mine.

"I love you so much too. You're my world hazelnut. My bloody everything." I said.


I woke up. It was a dream. He was really gone. I lost my only love.

A/N:::: so it's the end y'all. I love you baii. Please read my other stories even though there as shitty as this. Baii.

~^,^~ KARO ~^,^~

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