Chapter 9

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Nathan's POV::::

Do I feel bad? Yes I do. But I had to tell the kid that I'm leaving to Australia. He just had to.

And now. I found out he cuts. I can't leave. I just can't.

"But baby, why do you cut?" I asked him. I had to know. Because if I do leave to Australia I need to know.

He looked at me with tears in his eyes. "Everything was going awful. I got bullied on twitter really badly. Only a few tried to help. Then all of them turned on me. Louis hates me. Other things but who cares." He trailed off. I knew that wasn't the truth. I knew he made that up. He would never let something like that get to him.

"Baby, I'm leaving to Australia soon. I want to spend my remaining time in England with you." He didn't even look at me. Was he that mad? He just cut his eyes at me a got up and left. He hated me.

"Harry, are you mad?" I asked as I followed him.

"No. Of course not. Everything is fucking okay. I'm felling amazing." He said with tears in his eyes.

"Look, why are you acting like this? Why can't you be happy for me? When you got famous, I was scared that I will loose you. But I was happy. Because I knew if our friendship was strong we could make it. But you acting like a total bitch right now. Only thinking about yourself! Why the fuck do I even care to spend my time with you?! Might as well rebook the flight to today! So I don't have to fucking look at you!" I scram in his face. Tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Do you want to help you find the ticket! Get the fuck out of here!" He scram at me as he pushed me out. "I fucking hate you! Hope u never have to see you again!" He slammed the door. I have no where to go. No where to stay. I sold the apartment. I was hoping I would stay with Harry. Buts he's just an asshole. He only thinks about himself.

"Aye mate. What happen there?" Zayn asked as Jimmy wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Argument." I replayed as if it was no big deal.

"Harry was never so mad in his whole life. Should I talk to him?" He asked me. I nodded.

I followed Jimmy into his and Zayns apartment. It was bigger than Harry's. Much bigger.


"Jimmy? Baby I'm back. Where are you?" Zayn asked as he walking into the apartment. I was in tears. "Nathan? What happen?" He asked as he sat down next to me.

"I still love him. I want him back. I need him. I can't live without him." I said while sobbing.

"Well, Harry said that he hates you and thy what you said to him can never be forgiven. I tried to convince him to forgive you but he said he'd rather die than forgive you and be with you." I fired even more. He hates me so much. How could I let that happen? "Go talk to him. That might change his mind." He said as he hugged me. Hell knows where Jimmy disappeared.

I got up and went to Harry. I had to save this relationship.

"Harry?" I said as I walked into to the house. I saw him come towards me. His hand behind him back.

"The fuck do you want here?" He asked in an unwelcoming tone.

"Look, I so sorry for what I said. You know I love you. I can't loose you. You're too important to me. I wish I could take it all back. You're my world Harry. Seriously. I love you and only you. No one else. I can't imagine my life with someone else. It has to be you." I said as he didn't even bother looking at me.

"That's cute. But you, you won't change won't you? remember when you said the same kind of cute shit to me? It was about a year ago. Then, a week later you where the same rude Nathan I know. But, I thought you would change. For the better. That you would actually love me. But you leave me. Oh, and if only words could reverse actions.... We would be in a wonderful world." He said as he rolled his sleeve up. It was covered in cuts. Short and tall. Deep and shallow. It looked terrible. Blood every where. I was disgusted by his bitterness.

"Harry? One last thing before I leave." I said as he looked at me confused.

I came closer to him until our lips connected. I kissed him. He kissed back. It was amazing. I can tell that he was mad at me. But that just made him kiss so much better.

"Thanks." I said as I got up and left.

The second I was out I broke down. He kid is amazing. How could I have made him go to such a state? It's all my fault. He's perfect in every single way but I made him think other. I made him question his existence. I'm awful.

"How did it go?" Zayn asked as I walked into the house.

"He hates me." I said as I walked towards the bathroom.

Razors. That's what I need. I was clean for 4 years now. Time to make that 0 days. I found one.

I pressed it agains my wrist and pulled it across. I went deeper and deeper until I couldn't take the pain. But I deserved it. Every single cut.

I wrote stuff like 'ugly' 'worthless' 'whore' and 'fat' and more on my stomach, wrists and thighs. I was bleeding badly. But they had a first aid kit. I'm guessing I made over 500 cuts on my whole body. I'm a mess but as I said before, I deserve this. So much. I want to die.

A/N: hey sexy faces. You good? good. Did u like it? you better have! haha love y'all.

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