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SEVEN!like a stone

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like a stone

     "WHAT ABOUT MUSIC?" Steve asked as him and Nadine followed Dustin and Eddie through the woods.

     The sky was dark, the trees looming over them so tall their leaves blended into charcoal-grey shadows, the figures of the others in front of them lacking definition. Steve shone a flashlight on the floor in front of the pair to make sure they didn't trip over anything, offering a hand to Nadine whenever the ground got a bit too uneven.

     Nadine glanced at him, "What do you mean?"

     "I mean what kinda music are you into?" Steve clarified, "Like, did they restrict your music at Pennhurst?"

     "They had a record player in the main room," Nadine explained, "But all the records were old songs from the fifties or sixties. My favourite artist is probably Frank Sinatra."

     She thought back to the main room at Pennhurst, the walls a sterile white, tables littered around. They layout reminded her a lot of the Rainbow Room in Hawkins Lab- patients dressed in hospital gear loitering and being told to distract themselves from the situation they were prisoners to.

     Pennhurst had a record player, though. Right in the back corner, balanced on a small mahogany table. She liked placing Frank Sinatra's record on the table, lowering the needle, and listening to his music until the disk was done running.

     She didn't have much in Pennhurst- but she had her diary, and her music. Now she had neither, but she found that as she walked next to Steve, she didnt really mind.

     "What about modern music?" Steve asked, clearly less than impressed bu Frank Sinatra, "Like Tears for Fears? Cyndi Lauper?"

     Nadine slowly shook her head, "Nope. I mean, sometimes they let us watch a music video or two on MTV, but that's it."

     "Nadine," he clasped a hand over his chest like he was in pain, "You wound me!"

     She held a hand over her mouth, holding back a giggle at his theatrics.

     "When we get back to your diary I'm going to give you a list of music you have to write down," Steve insisted, "It's going to change your life."

     "Something's happening," their conversation ceased when they heard Dustin's voice call out from ahead, and Nadine's smile dropped, lips pursing slightly in apprehension.

     "Dustin," Nadine heard Eddie complain, "Can you slow down?"

     "I think we're getting close," Dustin almost walked straight into the lake in fromt of him, Eddie's arm being the only thing stopping him from losing his footing.

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