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FIVE!big bang

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big bang

GLASS SKITTERED across the wooden floor as Nadine kicked it to the side upon entry, the others following behind her, still slightly shellshocked from the overload of power she had displayed a minute before.

"Hey," she turned to see Steve just behind her, "You... have a bit of blood."

"Oh, shit," Nadine wiped her fingers just below her nose, watching them come back crimson, "I forgot about that part."

The obvious over exertion of her powers had caused a nosebleed Nadine hadn't gotten used to just yet, and she used the sleeve of Nancy's bomber jacket to clean it as best she could- she was sure Nancy wouldn't mind.

"That was really badass," Steve commented, and Nadine smiled almost bashfully at him.

Lucas regarded the dilapidated interior of the house, "Looks like someone forgot to pay the electric bill."

Inside the house was just as worn down as the exterior, cobwebs clinging to the ceiling, chunks of wallpaper missing. Nadine looked around, nose wrinkling in distaste at the general creepiness of the house.

     She looked down when Nancy handed her a flashlight, smiling briefly, before turning it on and starting to illuminate the house.

     "Where'd everyone get those?" Steve asked with a huff, as the others turned on their flashlights as well.

     "Do you need to be told everything?" Dustin snapped, "You're not a child."

     "Thank you," Steve gave him a withering look.

     Dustin shoved his backpack into the man's chest, "Back pocket."

     Nancy poked her head into the nearest room, "They obviously just left everything."

     Looking into the same room, Nadine shone a light on a shelf filled with untouched books, the shelf distinctly reminding her of the one in Dr Locke's office, and she let out a small shiver.

     "I guess a triple homicide isn't good for resale value," Robin joked, but the unease in her voice was obvious.

     "Hey guys," Max called, as everyone turned to see she was stood in front of an old clock, "You all see that, right?"

     Everyone nodded.

     "Is this what you saw in your visions?" Nancy asked.

     Max just nodded, and Nadine looked at the clock again. It seemed to loom over the group, the clock face obscured by dust and grime, the once bronze embellishing faded and dirty.

     "I mean, it's just a clock, right?" Robin swiped a hand over the glass face of the clock, clearing the dust and revealing the numbers and intricate hands, "Like a normal, old, clock."

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