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Iris Newby was not happy.

Moving...she hated moving. They usually moved a lot when she was younger but they had finally settled into a house for the last few years. Of course the rent had to go up and her family just couldn't afford the house anymore, so they had no choice but to pack up their whole lives and move away.

Hawkins, Indiana. A boring name for a boring town. Iris has heard all about Hawkins, and by that, she means nothing at all because nothing happens there.

"Iris! Take those headphones out and listen!" Jennifer (Iris's mom) yelled in frustration from the front seat.

Iris sighs and quickly takes off her headphones, the sound of Elton Johns voice slowly leaving her ears as she stops the Cassette tape on her Walkman, instead turning her attention to her mom and step dad sitting in the front as she quietly mumbles an apology under her breath.

"God you and that music, I'm telling you Jennifer, if you take away her Walkman and her books then her grades would be so much better" Her step dad mentions to Jennifer from the passenger seat.

Iris can't help but roll her eyes at that comment. She would find it worrying if she didn't know that her grades were impeccable, but of course her step dad thinks that there's always more that she can do, there's always better.

Maybe the reason Iris is so driven and crazy about her grades is because of how she was brought up. Her mother and step dad always making sure her grades are her top priority, even over her own happiness. Also the constant fear of becoming her mom in a toxic relationship and barely any money really drove her need to succeed in life.

"They will be, I promise" Iris says as she instead turns her attention to the window, the sign 'Welcome to Hawkins' catching her eyes as they drive past it.

"Where are we living?" Iris asks curiously.

She knows they don't have much money and isn't excited to see where their new residence will be. The only good part about moving to Hawkins is the chance to see her dad, maybe he'll even let her live with him instead of with her stupid step dad.

"Cherry Lane...it's not much but it's all we can afford" Her mother mumbles, a silent understanding passes through Iris as she realised why her mother looks so guilty.

Her step dad had spent almost all of their money on alcohol.

"Why can't we go live with dad?" Iris asks, although she regrets asking as soon as the words left her mouth.

𝑁𝑒𝑟𝑑 | Lucas SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now