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Hopper, Mike and Iris went to the shed and started to clean it out. Iris couldn't comprehend how they managed to fit so much junk in here and not get the urge to clean everything.

As they were cleaning, Hopper couldn't help but notice the way the girl was roughly throwing things on the ground and thought of an idea for the girl that might help relieve some tension.

"Hey" Hopper starts as he walks over to Iris, said girl throwing a chair roughly on the pile.

"Uhhh...hi" Iris mumbles, not knowing how to interact with the man after sobbing her heart out in his arms.

"I spoke with Joyce and she didn't think she'd need any of this stuff so...here" Hopper replies as he hands the girl a small bat.

"What's this for exactly?" Iris asks quietly as she inspects the bat in her hand.

"Look, you look like you have a lot of built up anger so...hit stuff or something" Hopper huffs out before he stomps away.

Iris watches the man's retreating figure with a small smile on her face knowing the man secretly does care.

Iris then looks towards the pile of junk. She thinks hard on all the good memories with Bob and how they're all ruined. She thinks about her stupid step dad and him always hurting her and her mom. She thinks about everything that hurts her and everything that makes her angry as she holds the bat above her head with a yell and slams it down on a box of china, everything inside it breaking as she quickly moves away from the flying shards. Iris breathes heavily before she glances at her bat and then to the junk with a small smile before she brings the bat down again. And again. And again.

She does this until she starts to feel bad for how much stuff she's breaking as she drops the bat to the ground with a clunk as she heavily pants. She can't help but feel a weight lifted off her shoulders as she feels all the anger and hurt temporarily leave her body.

"Well you knocked that out faster then I thought" The voice of Hopper said, breaking the girl out of her thoughts. "You missed a chair"

"I feel bad breaking their things...but this was...nice.  Thank you" Iris says sincerely as she looks to Hopper with a half smile.

"It's alright kid. Things may be hard now, but they'll get better. You just have to surround yourself with good people" Hopper mumbles as he glances to the Byers house.

Iris can see the group through the window getting everything ready for tricking Will and she can't help but feel grateful that she met them.

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