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Iris sighs as she looks out the window of the car. Her step dad was driving the car like a maniac and she can hardly wait till she gets to the arcade. Max had come around and asked if she wanted to meet at the arcade around lunch and how could Iris ever refuse that.

When they finally make it there Iris quickly opens the car door and goes to jump out, only her step dad had grabbed onto her wrist tightly with a tsk.

"What did I tell you about your manners" He asked as Iris sighs and looks towards him with the most sincere look she could muster.

"Thank you" Iris mumbled with an innocent smile as Peter just rolled his eyes and let go of her wrist.

"Whatever shitface, be back in an hour or your sleeping here for the night" Peter snaps as Iris slams the door shut with an eye roll and watches as he drives away.

"Asshole" Iris mumbles under her breath as she walks into the arcade only to find a confused Max standing in front of an out of order dig dug.

"Max?" Iris asks in confusion as they both stare at the console in disbelief.

"What the hell" Max breathe out as she starts to look around for the culprit.

"Sorry about that road warriors" A voice says as Iris looks over to see Keith eating a pack of cheetos.

"What the hell happened?" Max asks in confusion.

"Short circuit in the motherboard. A real bummer" Keith says as Iris just sighs.

"I can fix it if you want me to" Iris says as Keith looked at the girl with wide eyes before shaking his head.

"Uhh...no. But fret not. I got another machine up and running in the back" Keith explains as Iris just looks at him weirdly.

"Are you sure? Because I know how to-" Iris starts before Keith shushes the girl with an annoyed look on his face.

"In. The. Back" Keith says slowly as he signals for the girls to follow him which they hesitantly do.

He opens the small gate and shows them to the room as he grabs out his keys. He quickly hands his cheetos to Max who holds them with a confused look on her face as Keith opens the door.

Iris can't help the loud scoff that leaves her mouth as she looks inside to see the one and only Lucas looking at her with a nervous smile. Iris goes to leave but stops at Lucas's voice.

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