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Iris was lying on her bed reading in her room. Her mom was at work as usual and her step dad was currently on the couch with his usual beer in his hand.

Iris mindlessly flips through the pages as she reads. She's always been a fast reader (she thinks it's a gift). She's always been able to read super fast and somehow she remembers everything she reads about. She thinks she has a photographic memory but she doesn't want to self diagnose herself.

It wasn't until she hears the sound of the doorbell ringing does she realise her peace is now interrupted. She hears the yell of her step dad telling her to grab the door as she attempts to ignore his annoying voice. It wasn't until she finally hears the loud scream of 'If you don't open this door then your sleeping on the front steps!' does she finally get up with a groan.

She walks down the steps of her house and towards the door. Her house isn't really two story's, it's more like a small loft inside her house. She quite likes it because it separates her room to her mom and step dads.

When she opens the door she can't help the small gasp of shock that leaves her mouth as she stares at Lucas Sinclair. She quickly looks behind the door to the living room where her step dad is mindlessly watching some tv ad on the small television, before quickly looking back to the boy and pushing him back while walking out, making sure to close the door behind her quietly.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Iris hisses quietly as she slaps the boys arm in annoyance with her book. "I told you to-"

"I have proof" Lucas quickly interrupts the girls upcoming rant as Iris immediately pauses in her movements.

"Wait what?" Iris asks in confusion as she can't help but look back at the door every few seconds.

"Proof that what I told you was real. But we have to hurry" Lucas insists as Iris just shakes her head.

"What kind of proof?" The hazelnut haired girl asks confused.

"Just let me show you...please" Lucas insists as he desperately looks at the girl.

"...fine. Just let me sneak out of my window so my step dad doesn't get suspicious" Iris says quickly as she motions her hands to her room at the side of the house.

Lucas nods his head as he quickly grabs his bike and moves to the side of her house as Iris quickly reopens the door to her house and walks in quietly, shutting it behind her as softly as she can.

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