Prologue | Post-game Troubles

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The Storyteller: Alright, so, we're doing this? Ok... *ahem* *inahle*

Heartbeat: WAIT!

The Storyteller: ???

Heartbeat: Can I take a quick second to the readers first? It's pretty important.

The Storyteller: Ok. I can wait. *sits down*

Heartbeat: Alright. Great! *ahem* So, my first 'X Reader' book. A little nervous about this one, but I have some faith. If the guys in the Amphibia X Male Reader gang can do it, so can I! Alright, here's what you need to know, just in case you don't already.

(Y/N) = Your Name

(F[number]/N) = Friend Name (For Example: (F1/N) means Friend 1's name, and that goes for the other numbers)

(F/C) = Favorite Color

(E/C) = Eye Color

(H/C) = Hair Color

(S/C) = Skin Color

You'll see more variations of these guidelines when the need arises.

One more thing, one huge shoutout to,




hayboom88 (Tried to make this a mention but all it did was leave an empty space.

Not only are all of these people part of the Amphibia X Male Reader gang (Check my About Me Section), seeing all of their Amphibia X Male Reader stories gave me the confidence to put this one out for all of you to see. I'd also love to shoutout to DrVash because his story was the final confidence boost I needed to think, "Hey. I can do this."

Also, a note to Jaydab: If you're reading this, that's also why I added you to the gang. In the description of your Amphibia X OC story, you mentioned that Tdog gave you the confidence and courage you needed to publish it. It was a similar story to me, so I thought you'd fit the bill to be part of this group where we all support each other.

Anyway, that is all, have a good day. Have fun sweeping Anne off her feet. :)


The sun was about to set, and all was quiet and peaceful as you and your three other friends were heading home after a long and fun game of soccer. Along the way, you were all saying your congratulations to one another while some were playing with the ball while it was in their hands.

You stretched your arms into the air as you let yourself slip into relaxation after giving it your all on the field. Now all you wanted to do was go to your house and rest. Soon, you all started discussing what you all did.

"Man, today was awesome!" You said. "You guys really put up a fight."

"Thanks, (Y/N)." (F3/N) Said. "You did really well too, I barely got past you in the second round."

You beamed with gratitude at their compliment. "Thanks, but honestly, If there's anyone who held up our team the most, it would definitely be (F1/N)."

"I mean, not to toot my own horn," (F1/N) said, "but I have to admit, I have quite the skills to pay the bills. Especially with my ninja shot saving the last round for us."

Amphibia Fanfiction: Dimension Strangers Together | Anne Boonchuy X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now