Chapter 5 | Sprigged The Trap

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Anne took you over to a spot in the forest that she confidently deemed a decent spot to trap your lurking threat that was following you around. She stopped you from walking as soon as you arrived and she turned to you and pointed to the ground, saying,

"This is it. So, you remember the plan, right?"

You nodded and gave her a thumbs up.

"Alright. Good. I tie the rope, you set the bait."

You nodded and walked over to your starting point.

The plan was simple, as she mentioned before, you were the one in charge of luring the monster. You were to walk out of the bushes and create a set of footprints that the target was to follow. If all goes well, and they follow the trail, they'd unsuspectingly walk right into the trap. Once they put their feet directly on the right spot. They'd be hanging in the air by the foot, then you'd finally get to have a little... "chat" with them.

You got to work, making footprints in the mud. Meanwhile, Anne was taking a string of vines and tying it into a sturdy strand. Anne looked at you, gave you a thumbs up, then told you to stop. That was enough, and now it was time for Anne to do her part.

She calibrated the trap and got it primed and ready for activation. The old classic. A circle of rope hiding inconspicuously among a random scattering of leaves, waiting to snag a poor and unsuspecting foot. Truly a justified source of pride for you in your eyes.

Both of you stepped back and admired your creation while Anne dusted her hands.

"And done!" She said. "I'd say we did a pretty good job if I do say so myself."

You nodded agreement with an, "Mhm". "And now, all we have to do... is wait."

And of course, you did just that. You then retreated into the foliage, concealing yourselves entirely. From there, you remained patient and you waited for your stalker to come to you. The question was, how long would you have to wait?

Soon enough, your question would actually be answered, because after twenty minutes, they'd finally show.

You were starting to feel the temptation to doze off from the boredom when you suddenly jumped back awake because you heard the telltale rustling of the bushes that you were far too familiar with at this point. You stayed completely still, and you even held your breath. That was when the shadow showed itself yet again.

As it walked out of the bushes, it looked around for a little while before it looked at the ground, noticing the lure you set out for it.

"Hmmm... It seems like the beasts roam these parts." They said. "Seems like a good place for a-"

Before they could even finish their sentence, they shrieked as the sounds of the tether whipping accompanied it. It worked! The trap worked! You finally caught it!

Now it was time to finally have a little face to face confrontation with them.

You raised your axe before you stepped out from behind it and Anne appeared in front of it, her wooden spear held up as well.

"Ha! Caught 'ya!" She said. "Thought you got the best of ol' Anne and (Y/N), eh? Well, you didn't!"

Meanwhile, your stalker gasped in horror as you finally were able to get a good look at it. It was a pink frog that wore a green coat, a dark green hat with goggles, and black pants. However, despite his own appearance, he was the one who had something to say about yours.

"Giant head, spindly limbs, face bumps..."

The frog then turned around to look behind itself at you.

"Messy, unkept head fur, wide, bloodshot eyes, skulking around with one of the townsfolk's axes?"

Amphibia Fanfiction: Dimension Strangers Together | Anne Boonchuy X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now