Chapter 6 | Lakeside Bonds

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Heartbeat: So, this is it. We finally did it! Chapter five!

Storyteller: WOOO! Great job, buddy!

Heartbeat: Yeah, sorry you've been waiting for this for so long, but it's finally here! I. am. ECSTATIC to finally be able to have this out, because that means I can finally get to do some work on some other stuff before I come back to work on another chapter of this fic (I have this one idea that I think will be pretty fun to make).

Anyways, with that out of the way, I won't get in your way any longer. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if you do or don't, let me know. NathanInkling: OUT (for now)


The sun was setting in your quiet and peaceful town as you and all of your friends were walking home together after an amazing game of soccer with them. You spun the ball you used to play on your finger, which was rather fitting since it was yours, after all. Meanwhile, everybody else was discussing how much fun you had during your matches until you all came to the telltale fork in the road that meant you had to tragically separate once again.

"Well, here we are again," You said. "so, same time tomorrow?"

(F2/N) nodded. "Definitely. And next time, you know that I'm going to bring my A-Game."

"Wait, you mean that wasn't?!"

A short pause followed your surprised comment before everybody burst out into a short fit of laughter before it died down.

"Oh, you guys are the best," (F1/N) Said. "I can't wait to play with you again."

You all exchanged your goodbyes before you all turned around and went your separate ways. You took one last look behind yourself to see all of them departing, then let out a relaxed sigh as you kept walking along. As you went down the street, you decided to take a moment to yourself and admire the area around you.

You looked around at all of the buildings that stood on either of your sides, the people walking around on the sidewalks as they were tending to their own daily lives, the usual restaurants and diners that all towns have, some of them you even remember eating at once in some point of your life in the past. This was your town and you loved every single nook and cranny of it, even the giant music box monster that you heard coming straight for you.

...wait, what?

You heard the growling of something beastly behind you, and it compelled you to turn around. Once you did, you could not believe what you saw.

It was a treasure chest-shaped music box that was ornamented with gold and decorated with three gray gems. It was also ten times the size of an entire mansion and had two eyes that were glowing dark purple and several rows and rows of sharp teeth that were revealed once its lid was opened. It let out a booming roar as soon as you caught sight of it while you stared at it, completely dumbfounded.

"What the heck is that?!" You shouted while pointing at it, then felt someone bump into you while running away from it screaming. You looked at her as she fled and you instantly recognized her. It was... Anne?

You didn't even have any time to react to that before the box monster went straight for you. When it lunged forward and opened its mouth, a bright glow emanated from it and while you tried your absolute best to try and run away, you just couldn't. You weren't fast enough, and as a result, both she and you were immediately consumed, and after the light enveloped all of your vision, you were surrounded by nothing but darkness before you fell unconscious.

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