Chapter 1 | Transported

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The Storyteller: *blows on a party blower while confetti blasts out from behind her*

Heartbeat: I have to say, I have never been this excited to update a fanfiction before! Given the response to the prologue, I have super high hopes for this one. Also, while we're on that subject for everybody who missed it, I posted an (A/N) before this and by the time you're reading this right now, it's gone. I deleted it, but basically, let me just paraphrase what it said.

Thank all of you for such positive responses to the Prologue. I'm so happy like my story and I can't wait to show you more of it. I love each and every single one of you and I am so happy to have you here. But hey, with that out of the way, let's get this show on the road. HIT IT, STORYTELLER!

The Storyteller: *thumbs up*




After being unconscious for a while, You woke up. Your eyelids slowly but surely opened to a dark and starry night sky. It was a pretty sight, nonetheless, but your body also felt as if it wasn't touching the ground. Instead, you felt cold, wet, and like you were floating.

That's because you were. When you sat up, you found out that you woke up in a body of water. That wasn't everything that was around you, though, because when you looked around you, you saw some kind of... village.

Luckily, you ended up right next to dry land, so you took the opportunity to climb up and try to assess the situation better on your feet rather than swimming in place. Once you did, you were quickly surprised to find out that you were evidently not in the same familiar town that you knew oh so well. As a matter of fact, this looked nothing like your old homeland. Rather, the houses that you saw looked like they were using elements of nature, such as logs and mushrooms, to make them up entirely or serve as features to complete them. You even saw that most of them had roofs made out of moss.

"Where am I?" You thought to yourself, continuing to stare at the buildings in front of you. There was nothing familiar about this place at all. You were clearly in a place that you in no way knew at all, let alone well. You had no idea what to do... or where to go... so you just took your first steps trying to think of a plan.

Still taking your surroundings in while you were crossing a small bridge connecting one part of the village to the other, an idea crossed your mind to try and see anybody who might be inside of those houses, which you noticed were much smaller than the average human, and try and ask anybody who might live in them for any help... or at least to give any help to make sense of the situation you're in.

You walked up to the first house you saw on your left, then went to knock on the door after crouching so you could be at its level. Much more than you normally would since you figured that they might be sleeping, and though you didn't like waking anybody up, you also wanted and desperately needed help, so you stood in front of the door and waited, or rather hoped, for someone to come and answer.

Though, it didn't surprise you when nobody came so you kept knocking more and more and more until finally, you got a sign that you were about to have somebody come to assist you. You heard somebody who sounded like a middle-aged man grumbling as he got closer to the door. It was hard to tell since there was a door between you and him muffling the sound, but it sounded somewhat like he was saying, "Who in their right minds would come knocking at someone's door at this kind of hour?" followed by some more angry grumbles.

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