Chapter 7.5 | Dish Duty

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The dinner table was packed, full of starved members of the plantar family scarfing down their scrambled insect legs and swamp bog pudding. Then, there was you and Anne, struggling to even take bites out of your meal because of the sheer grotesqueness of the fact that it's... well, made of insects.

Still, you didn't want to be ungrateful like last time, so you still pushed through and ate. It wasn't like you had all that much of a choice anyway other than dying of hunger.

All of you continued eating at the table. Hop Pop finished his meal first, and Sprig and Polly quickly followed him in cleaning their entire plates. No crumbs in sight. You, however, just barely managed to stomach the last of your dinner. All it took from you was one last nibble of the dead mantis's ankle and you were finally finished. Thank goodness!

"Ahhh, dinner was delicious, Hop Pop," Sprig said. "Thank you."

"Your welcome, Sprig," Hop Pop said, dusting himself off with a look of pride. "I've been spending some time refining my cooking skills in the kitchen the past couple of days."

"Well, I'd say they've been... um... paying off well," You said as you tried to push past the disgust of you eating bugs. "Hahaha... ha..."

"Yeah, this dinner's the most scrumptious I've ever had," Anne said, just finishing her meal. "You really didn't have to put in all that effort just for us. Just saying."

However, as the old frog looked your way, he saw the both of you struggling to eat a single bite of your food. Seeing him observe this, you noticed a sympathetic frown slowly creeping onto his face. You tilted your head, wondering what the heck was going on with him.

"You know, thinking about it now, maybe feedin' ya some some of this might not have been the right decision."

Both you and Anne stopped immediately and looked his way, still slightly stunned. Given how he reacted when you declined the first serving a few days ago, that was the last thing that you expected that he would say.

"I mean, you're not even from here for jumping grasshopper's sake. I haven't considered the fact that you're from another world might affect how you may see the food 'round here. Who knows? Maybe eatin' bugs might be a bit taboo."

"Look, Hop Pop. I'm gonna be honest," Anne said, keeping down the last of the mantis legs she ate. "You pretty much hit the nail on the head. Where (Y/N) and I are from, eating bugs is a big no."

"Ditto," You said, pointing her way.

"Yeah... maybe I should have thought about that before gettin' all snappy at ya."

He then sat up with a face that could tell you of nothing else other than enlightenment. At that moment, he got up with his fists on his hips.

"Oh. How about this? I'll try going around wartwood looking for something I can use to whip up something for you two. Until then, maybe at least try to hold out for now?"

Hearing this, it was a rather pleasant surprise. That proposal he just made to all of you helped you feel a little bit more relieved that he's starting to see things from your perspective. You and Anne shared a gaze, but while you did so, you both smiled.

"I think we'd like that a lot," Anne said. "Thanks, dude."

He then gave you a thumbs up. "Don't mention it. You're staying with us and it's my job as a host to make sure you're comfy."

He then got up from the table and picks up his plate, as well as everybody else's.

"Welp, anyways, dinner's over," He said. "Time to clean up. I'll go take these plates to the kitchen..."

Amphibia Fanfiction: Dimension Strangers Together | Anne Boonchuy X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now