Chapter 4 | Scavengers and Stalkers

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Heartbeat: Ummm, sorry for the late release, everyone! I just felt like I needed to put a few small extra finishing touches on this one before I published it, but I think I've kept you waiting long enough so, enjoy!


What you and Anne went through was the worst night's sleep you've ever been through in your entire lives. You barely got a moment's peace without anything trying to gorge on you while you tried to get any kind of rest. You tried clearing it out, but that turned out to be a rather difficult task, especially with a new creepy crawly coming out for you every ten seconds.

Somehow, you were able to drowse yourselves. Although it wasn't really much, it was at least something. You were the first one to wake, stretching your arms out to yawn, only to find out that they were engorged by two centipedes that had four blue eyes on its head and four pincers. Briefly, you panicked before you rushed over to a stalactite behind you and slammed them down onto them, impaling their bodies and killing them. Once you pulled your appendages out of them, you noticed that they were covered in weird stomach acid, and thought you felt a mild burning sensation because of them, they were still intact, which is a good sign.

The next thing you did was check up on Anne, and needless to say, she wasn't in a very good position. First up, both of her legs were in the process of getting eaten by one of the same ants you saw earlier, her head was being wrapped in webs by a large spider, and various other things, like mosquitoes that were half as big as your head and rats the size of your arm, were as were trying to feed off of the rest of her.

You let out a small yelp of shocked dismay at the sight of you seeing your new ally being ruthlessly attacked in your sleep. After a moment of panicked thinking as to what to do, you hastily made the decision to try and kick one of them away from her, and you did hit one of the rats, but due to the creature being on her, you also ended up kicking her as well, knocking her awake in the process.

She opened her eyes immediately as you suddenly jumped away and covered your mouth, instantly regretting your action. Her head jerked back and forth in confusion as she said,

"Huh, what? What just happened?!... (Y/N)? Did you just-"

Only then, she was made aware of her situation, to which she screamed.

The next thing she did was flail her body spastically in a desperate attempt to shake all of them off, swinging her arms in all directions in an attempt to swat them, and to some extent, it worked. The creatures were all startled that they all stopped... for a while before they all came back to her because they didn't see any right for them to be scared of her.

At least she was able to pull her legs out of the ant's mouth because of a combination of both the shock at her sudden movement, and your efforts at trying to shake it off by attacking it with kicks to the head. At that point, she got up and ran all over the place while desperately swatting her head to get rid of the spider on top while also trying to clean off all of the webs.

"GET THEM OFF ME!" She screamed. "GET. THEM. OFF. ME!"

"D- Don't worry," You called out to her. "I'll try to help you! Just stay calm!"

"There are literal giant bugs all over me and they're all trying to make me their breakfast!" She shouted back at you as she was throwing herself at the cave walls trying to squash them. "How the heck am I supposed to "stay calm"?!"

"... Fair point."

And a fair point it was, indeed. Not wasting any time, you went to help her before you tripped face first into the water yet again. You then looked behind you to see that you had a predator of your own in the form of an ant trying to eat your left foot. Using your free one, you kicked it away, got back up and sprung into action. You sprinted directly for her and the first thing you tried to remove was the spider trying to bite its fangs into her scalp.

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