Chapter 2 | The Forest

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After surviving the frog attack, you sprinted deeper and deeper into the forest, never looking back. Eventually, you reached a point where you couldn't go on anymore and you stopped to take a rest. You leaned back on a tree, hugging your own legs and burying your head in between your legs while trying your best to try and wrap your head around everything, but you weren't able to. One sentence was all you could say, and that was,


Your voice resonated throughout the forest around you as an echo.

Taking all of this in, you made a mental list of everything so far as one last attempt to ground yourself in reality.

"First I was taken to this weird... frog world... place?, then I almost died because of some paranoid frog people... things, and now I'm lost in the woods out here... all alone. With no shelter, no food... nobody around to help... and..."

Fear started to set in, and then you turned your head left and right to look at all of your surroundings. You were only able to see a few feet into the cluster of tall trees and the thick foliage of bushes you were in before it was nothing but pitch black. This didn't exactly help you at all because all that you could think about was the fact that this was the perfect opportunity to jump out of the darkness, catching you completely off guard and subjecting you to a terrible fate. At that kind of thought, you couldn't stop yourself from shivering anxiously.

Then you had a realization. Maybe you just shouldn't have screamed as loud as you did just a moment ago.

You cringed in fear as you mentally berated yourself for being so stupid.

'Just... how...' Was all you could think to yourself. 'How did I get here?'

Unfortunately, your thought process was interrupted by the sound of rustling bushes to your right, followed by ominous skittering.

Wide-eyed, you slowly turned to the direction you heard it come from. It continued on and on and showed no signs of stopping. You moved back out of fear before you swiftly struggled to get back on your feet and you continued to stare at the shaking foliage for a moment because your fight or flight response was still doing its thing to determine what you should do in that situation.

You then saw the axe that you took from the village lying on the ground in front of the tree you were leaning on a moment ago. You rushed to pick it up and hold it in front of you, being ready to use it on whatever comes out of there. The rustling and the skittering got closer and closer... until you finally saw the cause of it pop out, slightly startling you, but only bringing you out of the zone for a second. Still, it was quite a sight. Three big centipedes came out of the bushes and looked directly at you.

Normally, a centipede might be your typical creepy crawlie but other than that, they shouldn't pose that much of a threat. And that would also be true in this scenario...

...if these centipedes weren't the exact size as a king-sized bed.

You jumped in surprise and dropped your weapon at the sight of them as they slowly crawled towards you. Due to their size, you were able to see their mouth parts and they were horrifying. Their mandibles slowly opened as they got closer and closer to you and at that point, your fight or flight response fully kicked in, and not one more second after, your decision was made.

You turned around before they were able to charge at you, you turned around and ran. Even after hearing their movement pick up from behind you, you just couldn't bring yourself to turn around. You just kept running, never looking back. Just when one of them were about to bite you, you were approaching a tree and you swiftly turned around and ran to your right, causing the charging insect to run head first into the bark of the tree. As you were doing so, you noticed one of their antennas over your head and a part of its mouth out of the corner of your eye. It was then that your eyes widened and a gasp was let out when you realized just how close you were to them catching you.

You then jumped over a stray tree root before you weaved past a few trees and desperately tried your best to make yourself try and run faster in order to make an escape. The skittering still assaulted your ears but thankfully, your latest action seemed to slow them down at least by a little bit. Not that it really helped, since they were still able to close in on you. Not to mention, your efforts still weren't making all that much of an effort to help you.

After running for quite a while, you decided that if you can't outrun them, you thought you could try to outmaneuver them. Coming up on another tree, you quickly rounded it, only to look behind you and see it do the same thing. A yelp of shock later, you then had an idea. You then waited until your pursuers got so close to you yet again, and once they did, you saw a perfect opportunity in the form of an arching root of a tree coming out of the ground. Just as it was about to bite you, you hastily slid underneath the arch, just big enough to accompany your body. The centipede, however, wasn't able to slide underneath. Instead, it bit into the root wood, leaving it stunned for a moment while you stood back up and ran away. Your chase wasn't over yet, as the other two crawled past it while it trailed behind.

You then saw that you were approaching two trees that were in rather close proximity to each other. A gasp in surprise later, you collided with them before you turned around just a little bit so you could fit in between the space. After you shuffled in between them quickly, you jumped when you saw the head of one of the centipedes, slam into the crevice and not fit at all. You then breathed a sigh of relief before you kept going.

You found an opportunity to hide in the bushes and get them away from the centipedes and you took it. After you rounded the corner to briefly get out of their sight, they instantly turned around only to see nothing. You've never read an insect by their emotions in your life, but you can probably tell by their short bursts of skittering and them turning their heads in all directions that they were very confused.

Meanwhile, there you were, hiding in the bushes right next to the tree that you've rounded. You watched the creatures move their antennas up and down and feel the area around them trying to find you. All that you can do is hope that they didn't find you. You held your breath, waiting for how all of this was going to turn out for you.

You shut your eyes and gritted your teeth in anticipation before you heard the creatures all skittering away. Once you opened your eyes, you saw their antennas still scanning the ground as they left the scene, as an indication that they were still looking for you. You let out a sigh of relief and after you waited just a little while longer to make sure that they were completely gone, you slowly got up from the bushes and walked out of them. Now, once again, you were completely alone, left to look back on that certain encounter and wonder even more just what in the name of everything that you have ever known had just happened.

'First anthropomorphic frogs, now this?!' You thought to yourself. As if this day of yours couldn't get any crazier.

At this point, your brain was pretty much filled with hundreds of millions of questions as to where you were and why all that has transpired around you was the way it was, and you even dwelled on them for a while, but not for long. You couldn't... because in that moment, you realized that these woods are so, so much more dangerous than you thought, because if THAT was what was awaiting you, who else knows what could be lurking in the shadows waiting to claim you.

You knew what you needed to do now, find a shelter.

You needed to find some place for you to feel safe, a place for you to stay the night and try and figure out what the hell you do from there. Therefore, after agreeing with yourself that was the next objective you should chase after, chase after it you did when you took your next steps into the forest.

All this trouble and you didn't even get your ball back? Worst. Night. Ever.

| End of Chapter 2 |

Amphibia Fanfiction: Dimension Strangers Together | Anne Boonchuy X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now