Chapter 3 | Your New Companion

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You've been wandering the forest for about an entire hour and you still weren't able to find anything that could provide you a reliable roof over your head and protection from any dangers. Instead, all that you ever found was dangerous giant insects, more dangers, and one of those frog people that you were attacked by. It bumped into your legs while you were running around and when you looked down and saw its blue form, all it did was scream before it said, "NOT ANOTHER ONE!" and ran away from you.

Also, it didn't really help that in your first minutes in your scavenging, it started to rain, causing several buckets' worth of water drops to pour down on your poor, unprotected head. You took a break to rest under the leaves of a tree on top of your feet dipped in the watery marsh. This might not be the best protection, and it wasn't the best position, but it was still something you could find on such short notice covering you at least by a little bit from the rain. Shame about the feet, though. And you just got your new (F/C) sneakers and (2F/C) socks, too!

Holding your head, you tried your best to think of another game plan to try and make something out of a shelter out of what you had. The tree wasn't enough. You needed something you knew could do the job. Still, because of your misfortune in finding something like that, you grew desperate. You needed something, anything better than what you had now, but just how were you going to find it?

When you just started to become hopeless, you opened your eyes again and upon taking a second glance at the world around you, you felt like your mental prayers have finally been answered! In the far distance, you saw what looked like a cave in the mountains. That's when it clicked with you. There it was, your soon-to-be makeshift home! Unfortunately, there was still one problem left. You needed to get through it to the rain.

A sigh came from your mouth before you leaned back on the wood in order to think of a plan to get there... only to realize you don't have one... at all...

You then looked at where it was located and then considered waiting until the rain subsided to go in... unfortunately, the many creatures of the forest would not let you afford that luxury. You heard them, everywhere you went, and where you were standing was no different. You heard low growls, ominous buzzing and the skittering of insects' legs all around you, and all those sounds made you anxious about what could possibly be out to potentially end you next and at one point, you just couldn't take it anymore. You needed to get there so you could at least feel somewhat safe, but without a game plan.

All you could do was just book it over there while being beaten down with the full force of the downpour. For a second, you thought that might be the action you'd have to take, but then as if the gods heard the plea you made in your mind, an opportunity presented itself in the form of a lightning strike to a tree somewhat close by behind you. You heard it emit a loud explosion as a result of the incident, and as a result, a giant leaf started gliding along the wind and, in an incredible turn of fortune, went over to your location. It got caught on the bark of the tree that you were taking refuge under.

"Huh... Well, that's actually pretty convenient." You said to yourself before you grabbed it and took the time to learn exactly how to hold it properly.

You settled for holding the leaf over your head using the stem because it was too big for you to handle otherwise. You felt it furiously flutter in the direction of the wind and honestly hoped with your eyes shut that it would be enough to shield you. You looked towards the cave, took a deep breath and said to yourself...

"Well, here goes nothing..."

You then took your first steps, armed with your makeshift umbrella. Then you broke off into a sprint towards your destination. Your feet splashed with every step you took in your spring and you weren't entirely protected, as you felt the cold winds still brushing up against you, as well as a good amount of water droplets. Still, you had your faith in the tool you found and kept marching on. All around you, you all heard the terrible noises of forest creatures serving as your motivation to get to that cave quicker. Inch by inch, you made your way closer with every step until...

Amphibia Fanfiction: Dimension Strangers Together | Anne Boonchuy X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now