Chapter 8 Teaser (Sneak Peek)

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Hey, guys! So, as it turns out, I've been taking forever to get a new chapter out, and I am SO sorry about that. There's no denying that I've been keeping ya waiting for quite a long time so to give you some new content, I'd like to give you this sneak peek as per requested by a good fellow named KoolaidMansCousin. This should give you a quick sneak peek of just what to expect whenver this new chapter releases! See ya when the process is finished!


The plantar household stood tall and proud amongst a field of various farmland and plants within it decorating the home's front yard and... was somewhat compromised at the moment. There were fruits and vegetables that were meant to feed the ever so proud and hard-working family who resides there.

However, almost all of them were damaged and laying on the dirt with a few bite marks on some of them. The soil itself wasn't any better. There were patches on it that looked like something had dug it up and popped out momentarily before going back in.

This whole thing basically screamed that something was wrong with this scene. The most likely answer; something was coming along and messing it up. Fortunately for this farm, that's where two sparky and fun-seeking individuals came into the picture to help get to the bottom of this and cut it off at the very root.

The newest addition to the plantar residence, Anne Boonchuy...



And the second newest edition, you, (Y/N) (L/N).

The two of you were both in Hop Pop's front yard. Anne was holding her racket and trying to find a proper position to get ready to swing. As for you, you were gathering a collection of rather foul smelling and unappealing items, all stuffed into multiple barrels and spread out across the dirt.

These items varied widely and were things like old and rotting crops that were already half-eaten before, expired leftovers from inside the house that were forgotten about and left to rot, and some old and stale rotting bug corpses.

When your hands lifted from the pile, you took off the gloves that you wore prior to this. Still, you had a grimace looking at what was left behind on them when looking at it and despite your hands being protected, you still felt the immense need to wash them after dealing with so much grimey trash.

Still, you steeled yourself and carried on because everything you just gathered was for an important task. The two of you took it upon yourselves to do an important job. After walking from the garbage heap and picking up your axe, you faced and shared with her a gaze of determination.

"Alright. You ready, Buddy A.?" You asked her.

Anne finally took her stance with her racket firmly gripped in both hands. "You set 'em up, and I'll knock 'em down!"

After that, you stuck your weapon into the pile and your eyes narrowed as all your focus was firmly planted into your current objective, you squint your eyes and lay in wait for any sort of movement that you could feel while keeping your hold on the tool's handle.

You heard Anne mutter under "Come on... Come on!" under her breath while her racket circulated around in her hands and her body tensed up along with yours.

You waited for a while, more and more and more until...

Rustle. Rustle.

You heard sounds from the pile of junk that only movement inside could make, and one second later, felt your weapon shake around and get pulled in by a little bit. Your suspense was quickly replaced with excitement before you clenched your fists and prepared to pull it up.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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Amphibia Fanfiction: Dimension Strangers Together | Anne Boonchuy X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now