more than a woman (oliver wood)

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song; more than a woman [bee gees]
pairing; oliver wood x fem!ravenclaw!reader
genre; fluff, s2l
word count; 5,1k
timeline; chamber of secrets
warnings; swearing, mentions of anxiety
summary; y/n was one of many who fancied the obsessive quidditch boy, and to her surprise, she was of interest to him as well

a/n; you know it really doesn't make sense to me that the quidditch teams in hogwarts were limited to the number of players you could have on the pitch at a time: why no spares? what if someone can't make a match? so anyway imagine that no one has been kicked off the team for the sake of this oneshot, and chloe is just another member of the team

also i don't follow canon a bit at the end

"more than a woman to me."


You knew him as the captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team: everyone knew him as that. You also knew that you weren't the only one whose heart fluttered whenever you caught sight of him, as he was a common crush among yours and his years, him being a year older than you. Nonetheless, you didn't really mind, as a crush on Oliver Wood made school much more interesting, and due to his obsession with quidditch, it seemed unlikely he would date and therefore there was no one to be jealous of.

One person you were jealous of, though, was your friend Chloe, as she shared a house with him and also played for his quidditch team. You were well aware she had no interest in the boy, and actually found him rather irritating, but you envied the fact she had more opportunities to talk to him. She didn't know you fancied Wood, as you were afraid she would make fun of you, so you surely hoped that she didn't think it suspicious that you made an extra effort to hang out with her whenever Wood was in the vicinity.

Like, for example, one breezy autumn morning when you headed over to the Gryffindor table to ask Chloe if she had done the transfiguration homework, upon seeing that Wood was sat opposite her. You - of course - knew that she would have done the homework: this was Chloe you were talking about. Nonetheless, it was a chance to be near Wood.

She was engaged in conversation with him when you arrived, just to your luck.

Chloe's eyes lit up when you reached her, saying, "In fact, Y/N's just the person to talk to."

"About what?"

"Your grandmother was a famous quidditch player, wasn't she? Grace Landen?"


"Landen is your grandmother?" Wood's eyes widened as he looked upon you, "And you're just now telling me this?"

"I didn't know it was of interest to you." A blatant lie: you knew he would be interested in the fact you were the descendant of a famous quidditch player.

"Of course it's of interest to me, lass."

Lass. You liked that.

"Seriously. She was one of the best keepers to ever play. I look up to her."

You nodded, "She's an impressive woman."

"Do you know her training regime? Her old schedules? Her old diet?"

"No... but I can owl her if you want." This was finally a chance for you to get to know him.

"I don't want to bother you, lass."

"Really, it's fine. I should owl her more anyway."

The grin that stretched across his face caused butterflies in your stomach. "Thank you."

You beamed at him.


The second you received a reply from your grandmother, you ran to find Wood, as he wasn't at breakfast. You asked the Weasley twins where he was, who replied that he was most likely already down at the quidditch pitch doing some solo training. They said he often came for breakfast and left before most people were even awake. You made a mental note of that for future mornings.

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