girls on film (george weasley)

4.5K 47 27

song; girls on film [duran duran]
pairing; george weasley x fem!muggle-born!reader
genre; forced proximity, s2l, fluff
word count; 5,3k
timeline; prisoner of azkaban
warnings; swearing, sexual innuendo
summary; in an attempt to connect more to the muggle world, hogwarts started a broadcasting club, which looked to be a massive aid in you finding more about your best friend's crush for her. only, you didn't expect to find a crush of your own along the way

heavily inspired by the film 20th century girl with a touch of love actually!

"lipstick cherry all over the lens as she's falling."


Anisa Deshpande, your beloved best friend, had been infatuated with Fred Weasley ever since he helped her up after she tripped in the corridor in third year. There was not a single day she went without mentioning his name, mentioning what he'd eaten, mentioning what classes he had. You had gotten used to it, as he was far from all she talked about, so you learned to tolerate when she did.

It was to your great dismay that she was diagnosed with a serious heart condition during the summer holidays between fourth and fifth year, meaning that she wouldn't be able to return to Hogwarts along with everyone else. On the brighter side, things were looking good: she was likely to be discharged from Mungo's around Christmas time, and therefore be able to make a return to school for the second term.

When you visited her in hospital for the last time before you were to head back to Hogwarts, she had been devastatingly upset about not being able to gaze at Fred for another few months. Out of sympathy for her, you offered to observe him in her place and report back anything of significance so she could still feel as if she was around him herself. You didn't think she had ever thanked you as much as she did in that moment.

Thus you found yourself sat back at your house table, the sorting ceremony done, only half-listening to Dumbledore's introductory speech. Your eyes were fixed on to the Weasley twins who were, for once, not whispering mischievously with each other.

"This year we have decided to take steps to connect more with the muggle world," Dumbledore said, which pulled your attention away from the twins, "It has become apparent that many of you have grown up with an alarming lack of exposure to muggle technology, so we have elected to start a broadcasting club - using muggle equipment."

People began muttering amongst each other - some excited, some annoyed.

"If you wish to sign up, please speak with the muggle studies professor, Professor Burbage."


You began sending weekly summaries of your observations of Fred, even noting to Anisa how you were now able to tell the twins apart. There was rarely anything interesting in any of the letters, but you knew Anisa well enough to know each and every word would still mean the world to her.

Occasionally, when it wasn't too suspicious to do so, you would trail behind the Weasley twins from a distance and eavesdrop on their conversations. They mostly discussed their plans for new pranks or pranking products - as you had learned, pranking was more than just a hobby for them, it was their passion.

It was what you had been expecting to be a regular Wednesday when you learned an absolutely vital piece of information.

It was not too long after an infamous Weasley prank had been pulled, that you happened to be nearby for (a genuine coincidence, believe it or not). McGonagall had arrived and was scolding the twins for their repetitive mischief, not caring for the fact there was an audience observing. You knew by now that the twins wouldn't be all that bothered by that fact either: you were constantly impressed by their confidence and lack of shame.

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