dress (ron weasley)

2.6K 19 3

song; dress [taylor swift]
pairing; ron weasley x fem!reader
genre; bff2l, mild angst, light fluff, hurt comfort(ish)
word count; 2,3k
timeline; goblet of fire
warnings; insecurities
summary; why couldn't your best friend of over three years realise that you saw him as so much more than that? maybe he just needed a glaring sign, and there was no better opportunity for that than the yule ball

"i don't want you like a best friend."


Yes, you had been asked to the Yule Ball by a few guys, even from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang - but you had turned all of them down. Some would call you insane if they found out who you really wanted to take you, but you didn't care.

Ron was caring and funny, and your best friend - well, one of them. Hermione and Harry were obviously also your best friends, but you couldn't deny that Ron may be your favourite. You had known him before you even started Hogwarts, as your dad worked with his dad in the Ministry, and you had met Ron at work gatherings where families were invited. You didn't become close with him until first year, though.

It must have been second year when you developed feelings for him, but you couldn't pinpoint an exact moment.

Now, you were all in fourth year, celebrating the first Triwizard Tournament in an incredibly long time, that Harry was inadvertently enrolled in. You had successfully kept your feelings for Ron under wrap for the last couple years, but that was mainly thanks to him being the most oblivious boy to ever walk the earth.

With the announcement of the Yule Ball, however, you had decided it was time to take your chances and reveal your feelings for him. You just didn't know when or how.


Ron was no stranger to making a complaint. Many found it annoying, but you couldn't help but find it endearing as you watched him rant about the ugly ball robes he had to wear during breakfast.

"They have these hideous tassel things on the sleeves, and the colour is completely old-fashioned," he groaned, "I don't know how mum expects me to wear them."

"I'm sure she'd have bought something nicer if she had the money," you said, chewing on your toast, "I don't think she's intentionally out to get you."

He sighed, "I know, I just hate them. Say, Hermione, do you think you know a charm that could at least get rid of the tassels?"

The girl glared at him, "Find your own way out for once."

You didn't know why she was so grumpy that morning, but decided it was better not to ask, so instead you casually tried to ask, "Any of you got dates to the Yule Ball yet?"

All three of them shook their heads.

"Yeah, me neither."

"At least you don't have hideous robes."

"Are we seriously still on that?" Hermione snapped, slamming her book shut, "I'm heading to the library. See you all later."

"Blimey, who spat in her coffee this morning?" Ron asked rhetorically, making Harry shrug.

You sighed inwardly. Boys were so emotionally unaware.

"Does it not cross your minds to ask her? Comfort her?" you said to them, "Instead of just complaining about her attitude?"

They both stared at you blankly.

You rolled your eyes, and stood up, "Right then, I guess I'll do it. Some use you two are."

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