gorgeous (fleur delacour)

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song; gorgeous [taylor swift]
pairing; fleur delacour x gender neutral!french-speaking!reader
genre; s2l, light angst, fluff
word count; 1,3k
timeline; goblet of fire
warnings; swearing, (underage) alcohol consumption
summary; you, like everyone else, were drawn to the part-veela fleur delacour when beauxbatons visited, only she thought that you hated her because you made it your mission to avoid her

a/n; i have no idea if fleur fanfiction is popular but she seemed like the only correct choice for this song!

a/n 2; also i think my favourite explanation for fleur's grandmother being full veela despite veela only being women (which opens the question of how do they reproduce), is that half of veela are transwomen, allowing for reproduction in a way that jk rowling would despise :)

"you are so gorgeous, it makes me so mad."


Beauxbatons: the French school for witchcraft and wizardry, full of angelic students dressed in white and baby blue. At least, that was the impression you got when they first arrived at Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament.

Of course, one stood out more than the others - and that was before she was picked as Beauxbatons' representative in the competition. The part-veela Miss Fleur Delacour was a sight for sore eyes: her beauty was radiant in a way that no human could achieve, but you could live without that level of beauty as long as you could admire hers.

Her friendship group had taken to yours in the first weeks of the year, and you wish you could say that you hadn't given Fleur a bad impression. Except, you had, as all you did was avoid her: avoid her gaze, avoid her conversation starters, avoid her presence. Silence was your primary virtue as of late, and your friends were becoming both concerned and pissed with you.

"Y/N, stop being so rude to Fleur, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Pranpiya snapped as you sat in your house common room.

"Merlin, Pran, this is Y/N we're talking about, I'm sure they have a perfectly reasonable explanation," Darla said, sitting by you, "Right?"

You chewed on your lip, feeling your heart twist as the thought of Fleur's golden locks flashed across your mind.

In your silence, Pranpiya scoffed, "I never took you for a bitch."

Your eyes widened in alarm.

"Pran, tone it down," Darla snapped, "Y/N, I can see you have something to say. Please say it."

"She's so gorgeous," you mumbled, "I can't say anything to her face."

Realisation quickly dawned on both Pranpiya and Darla's faces.

"You don't hate her," the former said slowly, "You fancy her."

You nodded hesitantly, hating the aching absence of words that followed the newfound shared understanding.

"Well, avoiding her won't make her your girlfriend," Pranpiya said suddenly, "Talk to her, ask her out."

You shook your head hurriedly, "I can't. Her beauty is intimidating."


It was your charms class that was now taken up by a lot of Beauxbatons students, including Fleur. She didn't sit next to you, instead next to one of her French friends, though that didn't stop interactions from occurring.

You had gotten to class early and had been instructed to hand out the textbooks by Flitwick, finding yourself zoned out as you completed the task. Alas, you being mentally absent led you to bump into someone else, causing the stack of books in your arms to fall to the ground, narrowly missing your feet.

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