end game (fred weasley)

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song; end game [taylor swift, ed sheeran, future]
pairing; fred weasley x prankster!gender neutral!reader
genre; established relationship, angst with a happy ending, fluff
word count; 1,8k
timeline; battle of hogwarts (feat. a lot of flashbacks)
warnings; graphic violence, swearing, severe injuries (not descriptive), near death experience
summary; all the times you and fred joked around in ways that reflected your prankster reputations, and the one time you had to be serious

"you and me, we got big reputations."


"Where's Fred?" you yelled, the sounds of crumbling walls surrounding you.

"I don't know!" George screamed back, sending a shot of red light towards a death eater, "I haven't seen him!"

"Oh, fuck," you mumbled, running off through a barely intact archway with your wand in hand and ready.

You had to find him.


"Alright, why is my hair purple?" Fred asked, looking between you and George incredulously.

You shrugged, "I don't know how that could possibly have happened."

George struggled to hold in his laughter as Fred stared you down - although, he wasn't very threatening as he was struggling to suppress a smile (much like his brother).

"Love, what did you do?"

"Nothing," you said, your face stretched into a grin, "I'm completely innocent."

"Why don't I believe you, hm?" he said, stepping closer to you and leaning down so your faces were centimetres apart.

You shrugged, "I genuinely don't know. Why would I do such a thing to you?"

"Good question. You're supposed to love me."

"I do love you. I'd never ruin your ginger hair for two weeks."

His face fell, "Two weeks? I'm stuck like this for two weeks?!"

George stopped trying to hold in his laughter and quickly collapsed to the floor in fits, you following suit.

"Godric, I hate you both."

"No, you don't," you forced out breathlessly between laughs.


You ran past Molly and Ginny Weasley, but didn't have a chance to ask if they knew where Fred was. They were so busy in battle it would have been dangerous to distract them.

You would just have to seek him out alone.

Where was he?


"Looks like we have the house to ourselves, my love," Fred said, stepping into the living room from the kitchen.

You were at the Burrow for Christmas, like you were most years. Molly was always more than happy to invite you to stay at hers instead of your family's or Hogwarts. You couldn't say no to spending your second favourite time of the year with Fred (April Fool's being the ultimate favourite, of course).

"Don't tell me you have dirty thoughts in that head of yours, Weasley."

"For once, no," he said, and his genuine honesty surprised you.

"What are you thinking about, then?"

He moved towards you with a mischievous grin on his face, and just as his hands were near your exposed mid-riff, he whispered, "This."

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