i forgot that you existed (harry potter)

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song; i forgot that you existed [taylor swift]
pairing; harry potter x gender neutral!muggle-born!reader
genre; ex-lovers, light angst, bittersweet
word count; 1k
timeline; post-second wizarding war
warnings; references to war
summary; it's quite difficult to forget your ex when he's the infamous boy who lived, but somehow, some way, you were finally getting there

"it isn't love, it isn't hate. it's just indifference."


The Boy Who Lived was not a name you could escape in the wizarding world, no matter where you went or who you associated with. Especially after Voldemort's demise, his name popped up everywhere, since he was the one responsible. And, obviously, you would always respect and appreciate what the famous Harry Potter had done for everyone - muggles included.

But for so long had his name left a bad taste in your mouth.

It wasn't something that could be helped really: he was your ex-boyfriend, but not only that. He was your first love as well, so despite the fact you broke up on amicable terms, your heart ached to think of him. For years, you had put on a brave face when people mentioned him - friends careful to tiptoe around the subject, strangers oblivious to your history with the boy.

In a way, you had been forced into exposure therapy, which was certainly one way to get over someone. And it may have taken an awfully long time, but now, four years after your break up, you could safely say that you were at peace with the past.

Which is why it didn't hurt to bump into him in the bakery in Diagon Alley.

"Y/N?" his voice caught you by surprise, making you look up from the selection of sweet treats.

You were going to run into him sooner or later: after all, there weren't many wizard-only places. You were just relieved it was more on the later side.

"Harry," you smiled at him, "How have you been?"

Smiling at him felt foreign when you thought about the nights you spent crying through snot and sobs trying to get over him.

"Yeah, I've been good. I finally know peace," he chuckled awkwardly, "How have you been?"

"Good," the fact you were being honest warmed your own heart, "Yeah, I'm working at Mungo's now."

"Just like you always wanted to?"

You hummed, "You're an auror now, right?"

"Yeah, well, training to be one," he said, "Guess we're both where we wanted to be."

You gave a small grin to that sentiment, "How are the Weasleys? Hermione?"

"They're good, yeah, they're all good. Hermione and Ron are together, if you didn't know."

"Unlikely pair," you commented, thinking of your old friends. Your friendship with them had faded after you purposely distanced yourself to get over Harry.

"Yeah, quite."

"And you? How's your love life?" you ventured to ask.

"I'm with Ginny."

It didn't hurt to hear that, and that alone made you smile, "You suit each other." You meant it.

"Are you seeing anyone?"

You shook your head, "Too busy with work at the minute. It would be a bad idea to start anything now."

"Well, I hope you find someone deserving of you."

"Thank you, Harry, I hope everything between you and Ginny works out."

"Yeah, me too."

You stared at each other for a few moments, before you sighed gently and said, "Right, I should get going," you turned back to the counter and quickly made a decision about the pastry you wanted.

"Yeah, of course," Harry said as you moved towards the till, "I'll see you around, yeah?"

You nodded, "It's a small world, after all. Take care, Harry."

"You too, Y/N."

And then he was gone.

"You seem quite familiar with the Boy Who Lived," the bakery owner, who was accustomed to you as a regular, stated.

You shrugged, "We went to school together. Dated for a couple years, actually."


You chuckled, "It's in the past, though. I hardly know him anymore. Truthfully, I forget he exists sometimes."

"How? He's so famous."

"It took an incredible amount of self-work, Aggie."

"Then have today's pastry on the house, in honour of such an impressive feat."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course."

You beamed, "Thank you, Aggie. See you tomorrow."

"Take care!"

"You too!"


As you entered the renowned wizarding hospital for the sick and injured, pastry in hand, you smiled a greeting at all your co-workers as you passed them. Not too long ago, the place had been overcrowded with war survivors, hurt in all sorts of ways. A few of them still remained (mostly the mentally scarred beyond repair ones), but as a whole the doctors, surgeons, nurses, potion masters, physiotherapists, etc. had managed to heal the vast majority of war patients. You hadn't worked here then, but due to your dreams of being a witch doctor, you had been one of the key medical aids at the Battle of Hogwarts. That experience had helped you secure a spot in Mungo's apprenticeship program.

And, you supposed, the defeat of Voldemort and the death eaters was one thing you would always have to thank your ex-boyfriend for. Without that, not only would you live in fear and desolation, but your life at Mungo's would be a hell of a lot more miserable. That would be if the death eaters even allowed muggle-borns to hold down a job in the wizarding world (let alone live).

So, no, you weren't angry at Harry Potter by any means. You still were sometimes saddened with regret and the possibility of what could have been, but not to the point of tears - not anymore. Harry Potter was simply a more significant part of your backstory than other people's. You didn't hate him, but you didn't love him.

And, as you changed into your scrubs, washed your hands, and headed in the direction of your first patient, you found yourself flustering at the warm smile that an attractive co-worker gave you on the way. The same way you flustered at Harry Potter all those years ago, but didn't today.

Because your interaction with the Boy Who Lived was... well, it wasn't love, it wasn't hate. It was just indifference.


written; 10/04/2023 —> 15/04/2023
published; 16/04/2023
edited; —/—/——

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